
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Secret Sewing

 Yikes! I totally missed March...

Well, I didn't really miss it; I was just busy and didn't have time to post anything. 

I've been crazy busy with secret sewing projects so I wouldn't have been able to share many pictures any way. 

I just finished trimming 195 half square triangles. 

Yes, you read that correctly - 195 half square triangles.

These are actually bonus HST from trimming 224 flying geese units. This secret sewing project includes two quilts - one "biggish" one and a small wall hanging. The flying geese were used in the quilt and the HST were used in the wall hanging. I'll be able to show these projects sometime this summer.

I have been working on various Quilts of Valor as leader and ender projects, but I haven't taken any pictures yet. I'll try to do that soon and share them here.

I have three quilts that are wedding gifts that I'll be able to share after those weddings, all which take place within the next 45 days. 

I told you I have been busy.  :-)