
Friday, August 15, 2008

Baking up a Storm!!

Well my house smells great and so far I haven't eaten a single cookie, muffin or brownie!!! Lynn works at Bob Evans in Norwalk and they are hosting a Bake Sale for us tomorrow. Of course we are baking alot, but what is really neat is that a lot of the employees are donating baked goods as well.This is the last organized fundraiser before the 3-Day walk so I hope it is successful. I am pretty near my goal and with the Pampered Chef donation I should be good. Lynn still has a little bit to go, but I'm not really worried about it.

Anyway, I will take some pictures of everything we bake and at the sale tomorrow and post them. I will also post the picture of Devon's quilt. Speaking of Devon, he is getting stronger and doing well. He is getting breast milk through his feeding tube and has stopped losing weight. I think he is now up to 1 lb., 7 oz.!!! Lisa was able to hold him (in the incubator). She was so nervous, but so happy. I see a bright future for this little guy. He's a fighter!

I better get going so I don't burn any of the cookies!

1 comment:

  1. You know, if you don't sell all the cookies you can always send some my way, we wouldn't mind at all! Hope you guys exceed your goal for the 3-day, it's awesome that you and Lynn are doing this.
    When you see Lisa and Devon again, please give them hugs from us.
    Lots of love! Sarah and the boys
