
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stash Report - Weeks 1 and 2

The first stash report of the new year is a decent one. I've been quite busy and as I posted last week, I finished two UFOs. Unfortunately the majority of the fabric had been accounted for previously so I can't report it now. I've made the decision that even if a UFO is from before I started doing stash reports, I will not count any fabric that has already been sewn into blocks. Now I know that arguments could be made for both counting and not counting it, but I just made up my mind that if it was already in a block, I didn't want to take the time to figure out yardage. Of course, any additional fabric that is added, such as borders, backing and binding will be counted in my weekly stash reports. I'm ok with the decision because this isn't really all about how much fabric I use. This is about finishing up projects and making myself accountable for my purchases (even though I'm NOT on a no-buy challenge.)

Besides the two finished UFOs, I made a Scrappy Hearts top Friday night (I'll post a picture later), and I started a Trip Around the World. I had purchased the kit for the Trip Around the World at an auction MANY years ago, at least 8 or 9, and I think I only paid $2.50 for it. Even though this is a very simple pattern to make, I just never took the time to do it. Well, I won't be able to say that anymore because half of the top is complete and I hope to finish it up Sunday afternoon. I also want to get started on the quilting of a couple of things, including the Scrappy Hearts. This quilt is pretty small (only about 46" x 56") so I'm going to quilt it on my Bernina, and I hope to have it layered and ready on Monday. The Trip Around the World is quite a bit bigger (76" x 76" before borders) and I'll probably take that one to Kare's to quilt. I think it's too big for my home machine and since I've already completed one quilt by myself at Kare's, I'm not too shy or worried about it.

Here's the report:

Fabric Used : 12.625 yards

Fabric Used to Date: 12.625yards

Fabric Added This Week: 8.00 yards

Fabric Added to Date: 8.00 yards

Net Fabric Used for 2011: 4.625 yards

UFOs Done, Done, Done: 2

UFOs Still to Do: I don't even want to go there!

Check out how other quilters are using their stash by going to Judy L.'s Patchwork Times.


  1. Thats good to focus on the done UFO'S tee hee - Have fun!

  2. WOW, you are being way more productive than I am . . .

  3. Looking forward to seeing your Trip Around the World. What a bargain on that one. You have done marvelously on finishing up your UFOs. You are on a roll. Way to go.
