
Monday, June 6, 2011

Design Wall Monday

Looking at what's on the wall today may seem a bit anti-climatic after last week's post about finishing the Glacier Star top,  but that's far from the truth. I have a much greater emotional attachment to this quilt and the 11 other similar-themed quilts to come, because they're the ones being made for the Honor Flight participants in September. You can read more about that here, if you'd like.
 Of course the picture isn't very good because I didn't think about the fact that I'm using cream fabric and placing them on an off-white design wall. I considered taking a new picture but decided you can figure it out. (In other words; I'm too lazy to take another picture.)

Do you see the mistake that I made? It's at the top left corner. I've rotated one of the four patch units that make up the blue chain. This is one of the reasons I like taking pictures of my works in progress. For some reason I see the mistakes once they're in a picture (and posted on my blog), and not while they're up on the wall. The mistake is now fixed! :-) 

I hope to have this top done before I leave on the annual Sisters' Weekend this Thursday - along with about four other things :-).  Anyway, I'll keep you updated with pictures as each of the Honor Flight quilts are done.

Check out what other quilters have on their design walls by going to Judy L's
Patchwork Times.


  1. The top looks great, looks like there might be a little error on the top left block, or are you planning something else?

  2. I just saw the mistake and was editing my post when you saw it. Thanks!

  3. I love quilts that are not difficult but look wonderful...Love your quilt.
