
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Have You Ever Wondered...

what 15 lap quilts quilted and ready to bind looks like? Well, here's the answer!
Do you remember this picture of these when they were just tops? There were only 14, but I just got the top that my sister Barb made. These are only 36" x 48" and they are all quilted. The binding is cut, pieced together and ready to be attached. Now, I was told that this pile looks kind of small, but you have to remember that they are only folded one time, and they are small. Nonetheless, I'm pretty excited to be at this point, as I only started these toward the end of the May. Each quilt is a different pattern and I'll take and post pictures when they are all complete.

I won't have a chance to work on these until next week because the Cleveland Breast Cancer 3-Day starts tomorrow. Please think good thoughts and pray plead for good weather. The forecast shows rain Friday and Saturday, and temperatures in the high 80's and low 90's. Well, we've walked before in similar weather so it won't be terrible, but it sure is easier when the weather is good.

I'll update you about the walk and other info next week.

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