
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stash Report - Week 39

As I predicted last week, I didn't do much sewing this past week. I did use 5 yards, which is pretty much what I expected since I had hoped to piece together the blocks for the Big Ten quilt for which I had cut the pieces last week and posted on my Design Wall Monday.

I did go to the big sale also and even though I purchased quite a bit, most of it wasn't for me so I don't have to include it in my report. I had some friends and family who knew thay weren't going to be able to go so they asked me to pick up some things for them when I went on Tuesday, which was the first day of the sale. I tried to get their things first because I didn't want to forget anything and I really didn't mind doing it but I'll tell you what, by the time I was done getting their things I really didn't want to spend much time looking for anything for me. I really didn't NEED anything. I just wanted to get some background fabrics because I'm really low on them. I did that and was ready to go. I guess that shopping in a crowded shop is a good way to control myself and not over-buy. Well, whatever, it worked. I did return to the shop on Friday and got the fabric for a specific quilt which I hope to have together before Christmas. The only other fabric I bought Friday was not for me. So, 13.5 yards are posted in the stash report, but only 6 yards is not earmarked for a specific project. I don't think that's too shabby!

Here's the report:
Fabric Added This Week: 13.50 yards

Fabric Added to Date: 158.375 yards
Fabric Used This Week: 5.00 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 335.375 yards
Net Fabric Used for 2011: 177.00 yards
UFOs Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 9
UFOs Still to Do: ???
New Quilts Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 30
Quilts Ready to be Quilted and Bound: 6
Quilts Quilted and Ready to be Bound: 3

Check out how other quilters are doing with their stash usage. Go to Judy L.'s Patchwork Times.

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