
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

11:33 PM!!

Whew! I made it. It's 11:33 pm and I'm just now posting. That would be pretty pathetic if I missed posting on the 4th day of blogtoberfest. I just got busy and before I knew it, it was 11:33.

What was I doing instead of posting you ask? A lot of little things.
**I bought a bushel of apples and made applesauce.
**I went grocery shopping and promptly forgot a couple of items so I guess I have to get them tomorrow when I go into town again. :-(
**I spent time on the phone with Epson resolving my printing issues. They are resolved and I can print wirelessly from my new laptop. YEAH!!  :-)
**I cooked a pork roast and had dinner with Linda, Lynn and Ty. Jack had to eat and run because he had his first class tonight. (The roast was really good, even though it was a touch dry).
**I taught Linda how to paper piece a quilt block. I know she'll get hooked on it because she loves the accuracy.
**I continued to work on the binding of my oldest UFO and for some reason, that is when I realized I hadn't posted yet today. I guess I was getting ahead of myself and thinking about being able to post that I'm back on the "Complete the UFOs" bandwagon.

I said that I was going to divulge the giveaway information today, but I'm going to give details tomorrow. I will tell you that there will be some fabric, a pattern or two, a notion or two and a non-quilting book. I'll post pictures when I get batteries for my camera tomorrow. (Didn't I tell you I forgot some things today when I was out?)

Tomorrow will be a busy day, so don't look for the information until later in the afternoon.

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