
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pumpkins Beat Out the Fish

Yesterday I told you that I had decided I didn't have time to work on my fish so I started another project instead. (Excuses, excuses and definitely explains my UFO situation!) Well here's what I did yesterday and when I look at it, I realize that I probably would have had time to work on the fish. I think I just got excited about the pumpkins and since I'll have my granddaughters for a week, beginning Sunday, I knew I wanted to do this because I think they'll love it.  :-) 

I enlarged the blocks to 10.5" because I didn't really want to add an outside border of another print. I really wanted just a big pumpkin to hang in the dining room. I have to applique around the leaves and face pieces and then this puppy is ready to quilt!

I'm also making placemats. I still have to add the black sides and an outside border (which I haven't decided if I'm going to just add more black or another fabric). I'm not adding the faces to these. Instead I'm going to make the face pieces but not attach them so the girls can play and mix and match the pieces to make funny faces. I think/hope this will be good entertainment when I'm fixing dinner, working, etc. I think I'm going to add a small pocket to the back to store the faces. These are so darn cute!

Of course while I was working on these, I continued to make rail fence blocks as leader/enders. This is what I have so far.

Ok, I admit it.  I definitely could have had all my fish done and attached to the quilt. Admiting the problem or error of your ways is the first step.  :-)

The winner of the second weekly giveaway is tonight at 9:00. Go here to sign up to win some fun prizes!