
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Stash Report - Weeks 51 and 52

Well, here's the last stash report of the year. I almost didn't take the time to post today but when I remembered this would be the last report of the year, I decided to take a few minutes and do it before the obligatory afternoon Christmas nap.

I'm thrilled with the year-end totals!

Here's the report:

Fabric Added These Two Weeks: 7.50 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 195.125yard
Fabric Used These Two Weeks: 15.00 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 397.375yards
Net Fabric Used for 2011: 202.25 yard

UFOs Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 12
UFOs Still to Do: ??? (Why do I even bother putting this on the list?)
New Quilts Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 38
Quilts Ready to be Quilted and Bound: 11
Quilts Quilted and Ready to be Bound: 0

Check out how other quilters are doing with their stash usage.
Go to Judy L.'s Patchwork Times.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Design Wall Monday

Here's what's on the wall today.

I'm participating in the Iron Quilter Challenge at The Missouri Quilt Company and this is what I''ve made using two charm packs of Summer Breeze by Sentimental Studios for Moda Fabrics. Ignore the yellow fabric that looks like a border. That's the fabric that I want to use as backing and I'm checking to see if I have enough. I don't want to have to buy more fabric and I think that with creative piecing this will work. The quilt's kind of small, about 50" x 60" or so and it shouldn't take me long to finish. Of course since the challenge deadline is December 31st I really don't have much time to wait to finish this up now do I?

As much as I like this quilt, the really exciting thing about today's Design Wall Monday is the design wall itself! Up until this past week, my design wall measured about 60" x 76". Here's a link to a picture of the original design wall construction. Of course I quickly found out that even though that was great, I like making larger quilts and needed to add width to my wall. Here's a link to my solution - design wall "wings".

Well, there's an update. Jack, my wonderfully supportive husband built some sturdy, removeable wings and now my design wall has the ability to extend to 96" wide! AWESOME!!!

I have not added the batting to the wings yet, but that will happen soon. The wings are removeable, which I really like. Here's a view from back side of the wings. The cross bars hold the wings and give them stability. When not in use, they are stored behind the orginal design wall. The wings themselves are stored next to the original wall and are not in the way. YEAH!!

Here's a picture (partial view) of the back side of one of the wings. Do you see the brackets?

I'm so luck to have the space for this and a husband who "gets" what I do!

Check out what other quilters have on their design wall today. Go to Judy L's Patchwork Times.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stash Report - Weeks 48, 49 and 50

Well life has certainly gotten in the way of regular blogging lately. I look back to October when I participated in the Blogtoberfest and how I made it a priority to blog at least once everyday, even if it was a very short and to the point post. Well, obviously blogging hasn't made it's way to the top of my  priority list for December.

Anyway, I've done a little bit of quilting (mostly hand-work) in between all the other things that need/needed to get done (Thanksgiving, traveling, being sick, family stuff, etc.). I played around with a variety of projects, but I'm excited because I finally added the binding to this quilt, which I've named 4-Patch Galore. This has been quilted for a very long time and I just needed to bind it. As I was looking for the picture to post here, I realied that this picture is before quilting and binding and I haven't taken another one yet. I have to take care of that!

I also finished my Shadowbox quilt. Again, this picture is before quilting and binding. Thanks to everyone whe gave me suggestions and comments about my fabric choices for this quilt the last time I posted about it here!

I did some repair work for a friend on one of her grandmother's quilts and returned it to her before I took a picture of it. (DUHHHH) Maybe I can stop over and get a picture. It was a dresden plate quilt and needed some repair to the binding. I just added a new binding on top of the old one that was falling apart.

I did take the time to quilt the Cheese and Crackers quilt and will hopefully get the binding machine sewn today. That will give me a  hand-stitching project for when I don't have time to use the machine or when I'm not home. Of course I still have my hexagon quilt that I can always take, but I'm finding that the last 10 blocks are gettting pushed aside for other projects more frequently than not. It's too late for this year, but I've already set a goal to have that quilt DONE, DONE, and DONE (pieced, quilted and bound) during 2012. That should  be doable since I've decided that I'm going to have someone else hand quilt it for me. I know I'll just keep setting it aside and not do it myself, so why not just bite the bullet and send it out? A friend asked me why I didn't just machine quilt it and be done with it. I just can't see doing that when the entire quilt (king size) has been hand pieced.

Anyway, I digress   ramble. Here's the stash report (the main reason for this post).

Fabric Added This Week: 0.00yards
Fabric Added to Date: 187.625yards
Fabric Used This Week: 11.50 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 382.375yards
Net Fabric Used for 2011: 194.750 yard**

**I'm so close to 200 net yards used that I can smell it. I'm pretty confident that I'll reach it because I plan to quilt at least one large quilt this week or next and that backing should do it, plus I have a project that I have to finish for someone by the 29th and none of that fabric has been added. YEAH!!

UFOs Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 11
UFOs Still to Do: ??? (Why do I even bother putting this on the list?)
New Quilts Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 35
Quilts Ready to be Quilted and Bound: 12
Quilts Quilted and Ready to be Bound: 1

Check out how other quilters are doing with their stash usage.

Go to Judy L.'s Patchwork Times.