
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bittersweet Days

Today is one of those bittersweet days that I know we all have, but often don't like to admit.

Today is Lynn and John's birthday.

I miss John every day and I still can't believe he's been gone five years. (I was trying to add a picture to this post, but I don't have a good picture in this computer to upload and that made me feel even worse! I'm going to keep trying.)

Today is also Lynn's birthday. She and John often exchanged special birthday gifts and it was always so fun to watch them do that. I miss that!

Perhaps Lynn's recent marriage has had an affect on my feelings about this year's birthday, but I'm really "feeling" it today.

Jack and I will have the opportunity to spend a bit of time with Lynn and Ty this afternoon and I'm really glad for that. Perhaps that will make me feel better.


  1. The special days are always tough. I hope you have a great time this afternoon. Hugs.

  2. I wish you an awesome afternoon and sending you a big hug!!

  3. I am feeling much the same today. Robert made me laugh though by remembering the first time he met John and he called him by his high school nickname, "Cool Breeze". The look on John's face was priceless!I love you!

  4. I am feeling much the same today. Robert made me laugh though by remembering the first time he met John and he called him by his high school nickname, "Cool Breeze". The look on John's face was priceless!I love you!
