
Friday, January 20, 2017

Don't Settle!

I finished a quilt top and hung it on the design wall yesterday, but something wasn't quite right with the borders. I decided to leave the quilt up on the wall overnight and look at it with fresh eyes in the morning. (Sorry, I can't show the top yet, but I used an Allison Glass layer cake of Sun Prints and I love it.)

When I woke up and looked at the quilt, I knew I just could not settle for the border the way it was. I had put plain cornerstones in and they just did not work! So, I spent some quality time with my seam ripper and took out all four cornerstones.

I really didn't mind doing this and it didn't take very long.

Here's the block I used to replace the plain cornerstone. So much better!

I'm hoping to quilt this up pretty quickly and I'll soon post completed pictures.

I'm working on a couple of other projects too and I'm close to having completed quilt tops for two more projects. WooHoo! I know that it doesn't seem like I got a lot done because I don't have pictures, but I really have been productive and I'm happy with the results.

I hope to get things quilted this weekend so I'll be able to work on binding early next week. I really enjoy the binding process, so I'm looking forward to that. I still have the two nine patch quilts from earlier this week to quilt too. Man, I sure am getting behind. I better get busy.  😀

I'm hooking up to