
Monday, August 21, 2017

Design Wall Monday

I am working really hard at completing projects that have been sitting around for a while. So in between new projects, I pull something old and work on it. Sometimes I'm lucky that they are small and I'm successful at finishing them before a deadline project demands attention or I get bored with it.

I still haven't decided if I want to add scrappy borders to the quilt I was working on last week, so I took it down and started something new. In my defense, this is a very simple quilt and I've had the fabrics pulled for a very long time.

The pattern is called Mingled and it's by Robinson Pattern Company. Like I said, this is quick to make and I love the center. According to the information on the pattern, the concept for the quilt began with seeing what happens when any two sides mingle together. The idea quickly expanded to represent how the best qualities of a father and mother mingle together to make a new and exciting creation - a baby! 

And since we'll be welcoming a new baby to the family tomorrow, I thought this quilt was appropriate to make right now. It's layered and ready for quilting. I hope to do that this evening.

I also pulled out a wall hanging that I cut out quite a long time ago, only to discover that there was a slight error in the cutting instructions. Instead of trying to figure out how to make adjustments, I simply put the pattern and fabric in a bag and tucked it away. No more! 

Adjustment has been made, as well as a Winter version of the same pattern. This is Celebrate the Season by Thankfully Sew.

Sorry for the fuzzy picture! I'll be sure to get a good picture when the quilting and binding is complete. Since the quilting will be very simple, I'm hoping to get this quilted tonight also. Keep your fingers crossed!

Binding is made for all three projects and if I'm feeling very productive tonight, perhaps that will get put onto all three. That would be nice, but I hope to go to bed early since we are meeting Lynn and Ty at the hospital around 6:00 tomorrow morning.

Stay tuned for baby news!

What are you working on today?

To see other quilters' project, go to 


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