
Monday, November 19, 2018

Design Wall Monday

Recently, a fellow quilter did something for me and she refused payment. I'm happy to finally be able to do something for her.

I've known Audrey for a couple of years and she is a very kind and caring person. She and her family will be welcoming a new child (Audrey's great grandchild) into the family early next year. Audrey really wants to make a quilt for the baby, but sadly she is struggling to do any kind of sewing, let alone quilting. 

Audrey asked me if I knew anyone who had a baby quilt that she could buy. That got me thinking that I could finally repay her for her kindness to me. At first she was hesitant, but she eventually I wore her down she agreed. 

I have a couple of quilts already made, but I decided to use up some of my scraps and make another couple so that she has a variety of quilts from which to choose. This one is one the wall now and I'm still playing around with the blocks. Soon, I'll be sewing the rows together and this will be ready to quilt. 

I made another one over the weekend that used up some Dr. Seuss fabric I had and I've got it ready to quilt too. I'll post pictures of both when they are done. 

What are you working on today?

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1 comment:

  1. Serendipity can be so sweet. I'm sure she will find just the right quilt, and it sounds like the perfect way to exchange kindnesses.
