
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Secret Sewing

It's been a very busy month for me, but I did get some sewing done. Unfortunately, I can't share most of it with you just yet.

I've used these fabrics for a pattern test for Tammy Silvers of Tamarinis

I fell in love with these fabrics and new that they would be perfect for the wall hanging pattern.

Here are a couple of "in progress" photos that I can share.
There are four of these Flying Geese units.  

There are also some Fan units.

I've finished the wall hanging top and Tammy will be releasing the pattern soon. That means that I will be able to share the finished project as soon as I get it quilted and bound.

I'm finishing up a table runner and pattern for a shop and will be able to share that soon too. Stay tuned... 

1 comment:

  1. omgosh, that floral!!! What is it called? Where can I get it? <3
