
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lots going on here...

Nikki is getting close to moving. She's planning on leaving Thursday morning, if all goes well. I helped her load a few things into the trailer this morning and then went back tonight to help get things packed and ready to go to the trailer. It is really hard for her because she is doing most of this alone because Zach is in Cincinnati already. If you can imagine trying to pack while you have an 11 month old with you, you can understand why she's not quite done. Also, there are things that can't be moved until the last minute because you are using them. She and Quinn have spent the last two nights here and will do so again tomorrow. Their beds are in the trailer, so they'd be sleeping on the floor if they weren't here. Of course this allows for Jack and I to see some things we'd normally be missing out on, such as Quinn brushing her teeth. She loves to have them brushed and she even likes to do it herself. Can you see those big front teeth?

Sheryll (Jack's daughter) was here this past Saturday. Sheryll is VERY talented and artistic and she has been bitten by the quilting bug! She has given me a number of feedsack fabrics and I've been playing around with them, but she has been working with some reproduction fabrics and made a bunch of 9 patches and triangles. Sheryll, Nikki and Lynn were playing around with the blocks trying to come up with a cool layout and I really like what they came up with. What do you think?
Thursday is going to be an interesting day around here. Nikki and Quinn will be joining Zach in Cincinnati and Jack is having a cardiac cath done. He's been experiencing some chest pain and the doctor wants to have a "look-see." At least this time we know what to expect. When he had this done 2 years ago, we were not prepared for the 4 stents that were put in. I've rearranged my schedule for the rest of the week so I can be with Jack., which means that tomorrow (actually today) will be very long and busy. I'll work from 5:30AM until about 2:00 and then teach my class from 5:45PM - 8:00. I'm sure I'll be tired but not be able to sleep. You all know how that goes. I've got to get some handwork to take with me to the hospital because I know that will help pass the time and keep me relaxed.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts will be with you. I know how hospital time can be. I always have a bag ready to go at a seconds notice.(still do) Karen
