
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Caffeine Chaos

Monday night I finished the coffee fabric twisted 9 patch top and while Jack was holding it up for the picture below, he said I should call this Caffeine Challenged. I thought that was pretty good but a little bit later I said something about Caffeine Chaos and we had one of those "oh yeah" moments, so Caffeine Chaos it is! (We like alliteration, can you tell?) Anyway, that's done and since I know how I want to quilt it, I hope to have this puppy quilted and bound by the end of the week.

I'm at the binding stage on my guild challenge large wallhanging and I have to admit that even though I planned on working on my scrappy nickel quilt only as a leader/ender project, I got really excited and just made all of the 2 patch blocks at one time. I also took the time and paired up squares to make the 4 patch blocks. I didn't strategically match them, but I thought it might be easier if I have them together and ready to sew by the machine. Of course that's I how I got into trouble with the 2 patch blocks and now they're all done. Wouldn't it be a shame if the same thing happened with the 4 patch blocks. :-)

I'll post pictures of this project later and realize that this is the easy part. The real challenge will come when I have to sew these scrappy blocks together without planning every step of the way. I'm learning that I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to quilting, but I'm ready for this.


  1. I got your email. Guess I should have thought to check back to see if you answered my question on the post. So many different rules in that department. I usually answer by email because so many people don't check back. However I do like seeing both sides of the the responses in the comment section.

    This quilt turned out so nice. I love the border fabric. Wow, you couldn't have done any better. i enlarged the photo and love the fabric in it also

    I always use a scrap piece of fabric and then just throw it away when it is full. But I will check out the quiltville site and see what she does as far as 'leaders' Thanks

  2. Love how your caffine chaos turned out. The turq/teal fabrics really bring the browns to life! Great job :)
