
Monday, April 19, 2010

Design Wall Monday

While pawing through my stash yesterday looking for a suitable bright white tone on tone fabric to use with my blue and green Twister wallhanging, I happened upon a couple of cute cat panels by Loralie Designs called Cool Cats. The date on the panel is 2005 - YIKES!!! - so I guess it's time to use it.

I'm cutting out the blocks and since there are 15 blocks per panel, I'll be able to make two quilts that will be donated to Quilts for Kids. I think one set of blocks will be pieced together with black sashing and colored cornerstones, and I'm toying with the idea of adding borders to each of the others to make them log cabin blocks. I'll make my final decision after I've cut apart both panels and check out my stash for coordinating fabrics.

By the way, I DID find a white fabric to use for the Twister quilt and that's all quilted and ready for binding. I'll post a picture of the finished quilt soon.

Check out what others have on their design walls today by going to Judy L.'s Patchwork Times.


  1. How cute, it is amazing what we can find in our stashes that we forgot about.

    kathie L.

  2. My oh my! Love those kitty panels!

    I have a question about your Twister quilt.
    Is there a pattern for it???
    I think at retreat that two ladies were working on the Twister....something about making squares and then using a template to cut the squares up.
    XOXOXO Subee

  3. LOL. I probably have similar things in my stash just waiting to be unearthed one day. I am almost scared to look!

