
Monday, November 1, 2010

Design Wall Monday

Here it is Monday again and I don't have the Scrappy 16 Patch X Block quilt done yet. It's not on the design wall or even on the design floor anymore, but I haven't quit working on it (A.K.A. another UFO). I HAVE finished the additional X blocks and I'm working on the scrappy 16 patches so nothing has changed regarding this quilt and I figured that there's no reason to post a picture. If you want to see it, go the last Monday's post. Now, just imagine that this quilt is going to be two rows wider and longer. Also, it will have a small inner border and be finished with half blocks making up the outer border. Maybe I'll have a new picture next week.

Here's what I do have on the design wall:

This is a small "trial" version of the quilt I'm making for a wedding gift in December. (This is an adaptation of the Wedding Rings pattern by Seams & Dreams.) Since I've decided to make this a throw, I played around with some layout options in EQ and this is what I've settled on. There will be some embroidery in the quilt, although I'm not sure where yet. I want to put the bride and groom's names and the wedding date on the quilt some place.

I showed this picture to Quinn and she said "oh, nice." I think I like her critiquing skills. :-) By the way, I have some great pictures from the weekend with the girls and grandkids, including one with Quinn reading a quilting book. Hopefully I'll get them posted yet this morning.

Check out what other quilters have on their design walls by checking out Judy L.'s Patchwork Times.


  1. What a great twist on a the double wedding ring! I like the dramatic red & black, too! :)

  2. Cute :) I think the block would be really sweet repeated with the black background and bright fabrics.

  3. Is this also a sample of the colors you will use for the real quilt? Using a vibrant red thread for the quilting might add interest too. I'll be looking forward to seeing how this project along with your Scrappy 16-patch X block finishes.

  4. This is a very sophicated, beautiful quilt

  5. This is a beautiful, sophicated quilt, love it

  6. Very dramatic design! Look forward to seeing how you personalize the quilt for the happy couple.
