
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


As I had hoped, I finished the binding on my Americana Pineapple quilt yesterday. It's going to take me a bit to get a good picture of the whole quilt because it's quite large, but hopefully I'll be able to do that soon.

This has re-inspired me to work on my UFOs. I've decided to rummage through the oldest ones and get working on them, rather than the more recent ones. Perhaps I need to concentrate on mixing them up a bit and work on an old one and then a newer one. I think that the reason many of the older UFOs are UFOs is because there is some sort of problem that I just didn't know how to fix. Hopefully I've learned a little over the past few years and can take on the challenge. That might mean that the quilt takes on a new look or ends up being smaller than originally planned, but it'll be done and someone will love it.

After the binding was done I wanted to continue working, but I didn't feel like working on the machine, so I pulled out some scrap fabrics to cut more pieces for my Tumbler quilt.

This isn't a very old UFO, but it's a UFO and hopefully we'll be seeing some progress soon. I think I now have enough tumblers cut to complete the top. (We'll see after these are added.) The last time I worked on this was the end of January when I was on retreat. It was the perfect project on which to work last night because we're still playing the waiting game about Mom and for those of you that know me, you know that waiting patiently is NOTone of my virtues.

Don't forget to post a comment on yesterday's blog to have a chance to win the first weekly giveaway for my blogtoberfest challenge. The winner will be picked tomorrow.


  1. Yay for done!! I need to get out my machine and get working on several projects. I just feel so disorganized still after our move, maybe i need to post everyday what I've worked on, see if that can help me get motivated. Miss you!

  2. I have a few projects on the go too - several are swaps that are due to be posted next week. I just cut out a heap of tumbler pieces, in Christmas fabric - a bit of a cheat though it was on a Go cutter!
