
Monday, October 22, 2012

Design Wall Monday

Well, the Vintage quilt isn't quite as far along as I had hoped, but that's ok. I have all the blocks sewn and half of them put together, but I had to put it aside to work on a small project for Thursday.

This is a Christms version of Candy Corn, which is in the Thimbleberries book Quilting for Harvest II. This is a cute little table topper that is quick, easy and fun.

As you can tell, the second round of praire points are ready to be basted and then I just have to add the outside borders and this puppy is ready to quilt. Here's a close up of the praire points.

I have a new quilter who wants to make this project and even though I know it's very easy and I'm sure I could teach it without having made the quilt, I really felt that I needed to. I like having a sample handy to show students. I will also have another version of this quilt in various stages of completion to help the student. I like doing that because I'm a visual person and assume that many of  my students are as well. Besides, I'll finish the partial quilt and have another gift or donation possibility on hand. It's a win-win situation!

Check out what other quilters have on their design walls today.
Go to Judy L's Patchwork Times.

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