
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sew and Tell Tuesday

No real sewing or quilting was completed yesterday, except about 10 more of the library blocks. (I'll post some of those blocks later.) We were busy with other fun things like going to Nelsonville again and discovering a few fun places. Since there rain, the boat ride was out, but it did stop long enough for a nice bon fire last night. YEAH!!

Today some of us are heading to The Dairy Barn in Athens for Quilt National, 2013.  We went two years ago and really enjoyed it and I'm so looking forward to it again. I get really energized after seeing quilt shows like this.

Anyway, my Sew and Tell Tuesday is the same as was in yesterday's post. It's my two layout options that I want someone else to take the responsibility and choose.  :-)

If you take a minute and read yesterday's post HERE, you can join the fun and vote for you favorite layout option and even be entered for a chance to win some fabric!  Sounds like fun, huh?

Here's how it works. Read yesterday's post, leave a comment with your choice and a way to reach you if you're a no-reply blogger. Later this this week (when I get home), I'll pull the prize fabric and randomly select one person who left a comment, and they win the fabric. I'll finish the top (unless one of you lovely quilters out there wants to do that and return it to me ASAP - hehehehe), and post another picture on the blog. See it's that easy!

Here are the options:

Option 1

Option 2

Check out what other quilts have for Sew and Tell Tuesday by linking up to
i have to say...  You'll be sew inspired!


  1. Hi I found you via Sew And Tell! Way to go! I really like this quilt! I voted in your previous post. Thanks!!
