
Monday, August 18, 2014

Design Wall Monday

I know a lot of people don't care for Mondays and I totally get that, but I really like Mondays because I get to check out what other quilters are creating. Thanks Judy L. at Patchwork Times for hosting Design Wall Monday 

Even if I don't have anything to post, I still go to her site and take a gander at what's being posted. And quite honestly, I can't think of a Design Wall Monday that at least one post didn't amaze and inspire me. I sure hope some of my posts do that for people. 

Here's what's on the wall right now.  Equal Rights by Swirly Girls Designs. The two columns on the left are all sewn together and the third column is sewn but needs attached to the first two. 

This is what it will look like when it's sewn together. 

I'm considering adding a border to this. The pattern provides instructions for making this in various sizes and for the queen, they add a border. 

Here is the quilt from the original pattern cover (the one I used).

Equal Rights (398x600)

Here's the new cover. I love this and think I need to make another quilt! Doesn't this look so fresh and clean?

Equal Rights Cover

I'm using the Creative Grids 12 1/2" - 60 Degree Triangle Ruler. See the picture below. (You can use the 8 1/2" version if you have it.) I've used this ruler for a number of table runner projects and decided I needed to use it for a quilt. I've had this pattern for a while - 2010 I think (notice that there is an updated pattern cover), and am just now using it. Oh my! Better late than never... 

12 1/2" Creative Grids 60 degree Triangle 
Cut 30 degree and 60 degree angles up to a height of 12in. Instructions included. Easy-to-read black markings every 1/4in. Embedded Gripper Dots hold fabric while cutting. Exclusive line. Independents only. Made in the USA. Minimum Advertised Pricing Policy Enforc 

Hopefully this quilt top will be put together by week's end and I can get busy quilting it, but we'll see. It's shaping up to be a very busy week here.

Check out what other quilters have on their design walls today. 

Check out Judy L's Patchwork Times and sit back and be prepared to be amazed and inspired! 


  1. Your quilt top is beautiful!! I have the 12 1/2 inch triangle ruler too, LOVE! :) So many options!!
