
Monday, November 24, 2014

Design Wall Monday

Last week was very busy! 

Of course this week is going to be more of the same. Teaching, Bras for a Cause set up and event, Thanksgiving, my family's Thanksmas (Thanksgiving and Christmas celebration rolled into one big event), etc. are all on the schedule. I know it will all get done and quite honestly, I've decided that what doesn't get done, wasn't supposed to get done. :-)

This past week, I sub taught every day (honors science classes - Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science of all things!) and I hosted an all-day sewing event on Saturday. Despite Mother Nature's attempt to throw a wrench into our fun, Old Bags' Day went off without a hitch and we had a blast. We missed those who couldn't make it because of the weather, but we tried our best to sew, laugh and eat enough for all of you. That is just one of the many reasons I am NOT getting on the scale this week, or anytime soon for that fact.   

Of course we are all busy and when you throw in preparing for the upcoming holidays, things can get a little rushed and "hairy." I am no different than any one of you out there in that respect, but I really want to know how some of you do it so well and without losing sleep or your mind.  :-)

Despite being busy, I did spent some time in the sewing room and I do have something new on the design wall. That feels good, and I really like this quilt!

Sonoma Quilt - Cut Loose Press Pattern - I love the Southwest look of this quilt!

The pattern is Sonoma by Camilla Quilts for Cut Loose Press.

Here's the original quilt.

Sonoma Quilt - Cut Loose Press Pattern - I love the Southwest look of this quilt!

Although I like the white background, I LOVE the orange!

I made this quilt as a class sample and can't wait to finish it, teach the class and have it return home to me. I'm thinking of making another one but with adjustments. If following the pattern (which I will do for the class sample), the quilt measures 52" x 72". I want to add an extra row across so the layout is 4 x 5 instead of 3 x 5 and perhaps add borders. 

This was made with a partial layer cake (30 - 10" squares) and my adjustment could be made using all 40 - 10" squares. Thanks to my brother Jerry's suggestion, I am planning on using the 10 extra squares I have now on the back. I will piece those blocks and have them run down the center of the backing. YIPPEE! I love fun and interestingly pieced back.   

This is another busy week and I have lots to do, but I sure hope I get some time to finish this top. I know it'll be relaxing to spend even 15 minutes sitting at the machine so I plan to sew blocks together during breaks. Before long, that top will be sewn together and ready for quilting.

Stop by tomorrow for some really great eye candy in my Tip Tuesday! post. 

Plus, I hope to have some pictures of the Bras for a Cause available Wednesday. 

Check out what other quilters have on their design walls today.
Go to Judy L's Patchwork Times


  1. Cheddar has always been one of my favorites for backgrounds. I love the look of that.
