
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Snow Day = Sew Day or Clean Day?

I did not have a sub assignment today and was pretty certain that I wouldn't because there was a morning teacher in-service program followed by students arriving two hours later. So, today was designated as "clean and organize the sewing room" day. Good plan, I thought.

Imagine my delight dismay when we ended up with 3" of snow. 

Since Jack was going to be gone today, I thought I should plow instead of waiting for him to come home and do it. (I don't mind plowing, it's just that Jack usually does it. I am generally the one who does any shoveling that needs done though, so it's a good sharing of the work.)

Ok, so maybe I plowed a little more than what was needed.

I just wanted to be sure that there was plenty of room in case a truck or something had to come down the drive. Of course if Jack ordered something that I don't know about, I wanted to truck to have plenty of turn-around room. I also wanted a clear path to walk from the house garage to the shop overhead door.

And of course we need a path to the side door of the shop and another one to Jose's car so I can start it on a regular basis to ensure the battery is okay. (I would not want him returning to a car that doesn't start.) 

I didn't take a picture of the path to the wood pile, though. I only plowed a two-pass path to that. I figured we probably didn't really need it to be any wider since we have a good size load of wood ready for use already. Here is a picture of one quarter of the wood that is stacked inside, ready for use in the fireplace.

But, I really wanted to be prepared, just in case it didn't stop snowing until March and we needed to get to the extra wood. It didn't take too much time away from my organizing and cleaning plans.  :-)

I also shoved a path to the trash bin, the bird feeders and the ash barrel.

And when I was done outside, I decided that a little bit of sewing on my Reflection Pool quilt would help me warm up.

Do you think Jack will figure out that I really didn't want to clean and organize today? 

By the way, I'm updating my Gallery of Quilts pages. They are all in the construction stage right now, but I WILL get them organized, updated and labeled soon. That counts as organizing today, doesn't it?  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I think I would plow that much too - and we do so people have plenty of safe room to maneuver and not end up in a barn, shed, or tree.
