
Saturday, September 17, 2016

I'm Baaaaaack!

It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry! Life got in the way, and even though I'm in full-swing with lots of stuff, I read about Needle and Foot's Handmade Halloween Link Up and had to stop and take time to write this post.

I love Fall! I love the colors, the cool, crisp air, and the sound of the local high school marching band practicing every school morning and then performing at half-time during home football games. I love apple picking and making applesauce, and then watching my grandkids devour it. I love bon-fires and jumping in leaves. I love driving around and looking at the amazing artwork that pumpkin carving has become, and I love that my kids and grandkids love Fall.

If you feel the same way, join the link party and then come back on October 4th and be prepared for some eye candy. 

Happy weekend, Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the Handmade Halloween event!! I am glad you are sharing this and planning to join us in a few weeks. Have a great evening!
