
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Catch Up Post #1

Where does the time go? It's been about two weeks since I've posted and really; I wasn't just sitting around twiddling my thumbs. I've been pretty darn busy and just did not take time to write up a blog post. Over the next few days, I'll update you on a few things that have been happening and share some upcoming events as well.

I've been sewing, but I can't really show most of what I've been working on because the projects are for blog hops, gifts, etc. I'll post what I can shortly, but no quilts today. 😞

Annie and I taught umbrella and Mondo Bag classes at Lake Farmpark a couple of weeks ago and we are headed back there a week from today for another umbrella class. Here are some pictures of the wonderful creations from the participants.

I just love this blue fabric!

Pat's tie-dyed fabric is absolutely beautiful as an umbrella! 

Raindrop fabric! How appropriate. :-)

I love Nicole's two-fabric version.

These flowers are gorgeous! I think they are perfect for an umbrella. 

This fabric was purchased while on a trip taken and as been waiting for just the right project. I think it works beautifully as an umbrella!

This is so darn pretty. Toni did a wonderful job!

This green fabric is gorgeous and have gold designs in it.

Can you see the green ring close to the top tip? It was intentional, and I'm thrilled that it worked out for Olivia.

This turned out so pretty!

Myrya used some really fun fabric and it worked out beautifully.

Isn't this pretty?

Ronnie's umbrella is perfect. I think the fabric looks like it's been out in the rain. :-) 

We had a wonderful time, but it was really hot in the room. As a matter of fact, we had turned the heat off but because it was almost 70 degrees outside and there are floor to ceiling windows on one side of the room, by lunch time, it was really heating up. Of course, the fact that there is quite a bit of pressing that takes place at the beginning of this process made the room heat up even more. By the time the students went for lunch, it was 78 degrees in the room and when it finally hit 82 degrees, the maintenance guys decided that we needed air conditioning.

I'm certainly not complaining about our mild winter, but who would have thought that we'd have to run the air conditioning in northern Ohio in February? We were teaching at the same time last year and there was a snow storm and sub-zero temperatures.

On Sunday we taught the Mondo Bag class and I'll post pictures of that tomorrow.


  1. What are the chances that you could teach the umbrella class at Country Fabrics? A Saturday would be great .... but I could also take a vacation day :) I know that this class comes up every so often at M & E's in Sandusky. But I haven't checked their class schedule in awhile. Thanks Cindy!

  2. Liking all the different umbrellas. Beautiful fabrics.


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