
Monday, April 17, 2017

Design Wall Monday

I'm working on another challenge quilt, this time for the Modern Quilt Guild 2017 Fabric Challenge. We are using Riley Blake's Creative Rockstar Collection and you can add any Riley Blake Confetti Cotton Solids. 

The challenge rules are easy:

1) Make something fantastic that is quilted.

2) Use Riley Blake "Creative Rockstar" Collection and any Riley Blake Confetti Cotton Solids.

Easy, Peasy, Lemon Squeezy! (That's what my grand kids like to say. 😊)

Well, I don't know about fantastic, but this will be quilted (after I put on some applique), and I used the required fabrics so I guess I'm good to go.

This is quite different from how I normally work, but it was fun. I first had to determine how many fabrics I was going to use, decide how many times I wanted to use each one, and how large I wanted the wedges. 

Armed with that information, I sketched out my circle and did some math. Jack and I worked together on this because he had some ideas to share and since I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do, it was nice to bounce ideas off of him. Plus, he REALLY likes math, and it is always good to have someone double check my math.

Once the math was done, I cut my wedges. Using the scraps from cutting, I started playing with possible layouts.

When I was happy with the scrap version, I started putting the wedges on the design wall. I let this sit for a day and checked it off and on to see if I wanted to change anything. At first, the extra yellow at the top bothered me, but I decided to leave it because it would screw up the rest of the circle if I tried to change it. Plus, I'm adding applique to the center area and think that extra yellow will work perfectly with it.

I forgot to take a picture of the circle before I added the center. I did however make a test circle before I started so I'll show that. It's amazing how small the center hole was when I was done. Do you see that little yellow dot in the center? That's the size of the center after sewing all the wedges together. It's tiny compared to how it starts out, isn't it?

So here we are, the final circle. I had to play with the size of the center yellow circle because I didn't want it to get lost, but I also didn't want it to overwhelm the applique or lose too much of the radial lines coming to the center. This works perfectly!

I'd love to get the applique cut and started today, but we'll see. I have a bunch of other stuff to get done before I can work on this. Tomorrow is a sub day for me and I have a meeting in the evening, so if I don't get to it tonight, it will be at least Wednesday before I work on this again.

On another note, I forgot to show the back of the Bundle Buster quilt I posted yesterday. I think this backing is fun! It looks like rick rack and for some reason, I had a bunch of it. I was glad to be able to use it for this quilt. 

Check out what other quilters are working on today.

Go to Judy L's Patchwork Times



  1. The circle looks great. I even like your practice one. Looking forward to seeing the finished project.

  2. Your circle looks amazing. Both the test one and the one with the yellow.

  3. Your quilted circle is so pretty and cheerful! I have a wedge ruler for making a project just like that! Thank you for sharing!
