
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Umbrella Making Time Again

Annie and I taught an umbrella class this past Thursday at Angelic's in Canton, and it was a blast. This was the first time for us to teach at the shop and even though we were in tight quarters, we had a lot of fun and everyone walked out with a completed umbrella (minus the waterproofing spray)!

As soon as the advertisement went out about making your own umbrella, the shop's customers were really excited and the first class filled up very quickly. We added two more classes and when we arrived Thursday, the owner asked if we could discuss adding more classes because they had a rather long waiting list. Four more classes have been scheduled and if they are anything like the one we had Thursday, it's going to have so much fun! 

All six students brought wonderful fabrics and I knew right from the beginning that they were going to make beautiful umbrellas. After a brief discussion about fabric choices and an overview of the process, they ladies got right to work pressing and cutting.

The cutting and pressing seems to take forever, and when they finally finished they were very happy to start sewing. Look at the concentration!

And look what they created! It almost looks like a real umbrella.  :-)
Sorry Joyce and Sandy. I didn't get as picture of your "almost an umbrella."

It's time to put the umbrella fabric on the frame and do a bit of hand work. It is so exciting to get to this point because it means you are almost done!

And we have umbrellas!

Again, I don't know how it happened but I didn't get a picture of Sandy's umbrella by itself. Her fabric was so pretty and I knew as soon as I saw it that it was going to be fabulous. You can see it in the pictures below. She's the third from the right.

Here's a close up of Sandy umbrella. I know it's grainy, and far away, but if got really blurry when I tried to zoom in more. See what I mean about her fabric? Isn't it wonderful? I just realized that it matches her shirt.  :-)

  Thanks for a great class ladies!