
Monday, December 4, 2017

Design Wall Monday

I know it's the end of the day, but I'm going to go ahead and post a Design Wall/Monday Making post anyway.  

I made two version the Wayward Transparency quilt as part of the Quilting Jetgirl Quilt Along - the large one is set on point and measures 68"x 68", but there is a smaller version that measures 48" x 48". I'm quilting that one right now. 

There are so many different layout options for this quilt! Whether you are making the larger or smaller quilt, you make 4 blocks that measure 24" and then set them in whatever layout option you want. For the larger version, you simply add triangles to the corners and viola! you have a larger quilt. 

It's hard to see n the picture above, but I am quilting this in a continuous spiral design. I'm really happy with how this is looking.

It's amazing what tricks the lighting plays on fabric when you are trying to take pictures. Honestly, these are all the same quilt! 

I'm pretty happy with my ability to slow down and keep the spacing  between the quilting lines consistent.

Of course that was after the very rough herky-jerky start I had at the beginning. I WILL be going back and fixing that! 

I hope to complete this tomorrow and get busy on the binding soon after that. I have yet to figure out how I'm going to quilt the large quilt, but I have time to think about that. Any suggestions? 

I really like this pattern and am already thinking about making another one with a different layout. There are so many options that even Jack said he'd like to see another quilt made using this pattern. 

What are you working on today?

Check out the quilting eye candy at 



  1. Very nice pattern and I like the circle quilting.

  2. Has anyone told you lately that you may be an overachiever? Two quilts in one quilt-along? You are amazing!

  3. It is so exciting to see both of your versions and that you dove right in and started quilting. :) The spiral really compliments the layout you chose for the blocks.

  4. Your quilting lines are perfect!

  5. The center is always a hard spot to quilt. I think you are doing a fantastic job. Are you getting bored yet?

  6. Great design and quilting.Love your fabric combo too.!!

  7. Yep great design. Great job at that spiral too.

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