
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Mindless Sewing

Sometimes you just need to take a break to fondle some fabric and do some mindless sewing.

I've been quite busy the last few weeks with classes and programs; and I have some "must do" projects, but I really needed to slow down and clear my mind before diving into them. I decided that snowballing the corner of these blocks was just the thing to do. Ahhhh, I'm almost done with the stack and then I'll be ready to hit the ground running.

Yikes! I just looked at the picture again and think that perhaps I should clean my machine before I do anything else. Do you see the dust? I'm choosing to believe that's a sign of productivity and not lack of housekeeping skills. 😀

By the way, did you notice the new banner at the top of the blog? What do you think?  


  1. I like mindless sewing. LOL I didn't notice that your machine needed to be cleaned.

  2. The new banner looks great and I did notice it straight away! :)

    Sometimes having a bit of something to sew without pressure or a need is just what is needed. My next step is to clean, oil, and change out the needle on my machine, too. It happens so quickly, it seems.
