
Monday, April 29, 2019

Design Wall Monday

It appears that I am in the "one post a week" mode lately. I guess that's ok, since my sewing time has really been limited recently. 

I finished this quilt from last week...

I added two more rows, so it measures approximately 56" x 69" now and I'm happy with that. 

Where's the picture, you ask? It has not been taken, of course. I took it off the design wall and had intentions of taking it outside for pictures but it was sprinkling a little so I set it aside. Life happened, and no picture was taken. That will be done later this week (I hope!).

Why didn't I just put it back on the wall to take a picture?  

While I was sewing this quilt and the one before it, I was making Quilt of Valor Log Cabin blocks as a leader/ender project. As I completed the blocks, I was putting them up on the wall to play around with the layout. 

Here's what I decided...

I have the final five blocks complete now, but they need pressed before I can put them up on the wall. We have a few appointments today and then I've got to finish prepping for some upcoming classes and trips, so I'm not sure when I'll get back to this. It's so close and shouldn't take long to finish when I get a chance to sew.

I'm happy to have this quilt top almost done. I'm behind on the number of QOV's that I make each year, and it feels good to be catching up with them. I've got another one cut and ready to use as a leader/ender project, so that should help be get back on track. I need to take a look to see what I have so I can get backing fabrics ready. Once that's done, I just need to quilt them. Easy, peasy, right? :-)   

What are you working on today?

Check out the Quilter's Eye Candy at



  1. I definitely understand that life happens. I think that the log cabin layout for the QOV quilt is fantastic.

  2. Love your log cabin QOV. The blues really pop. Hope life allows you some more sewing time this week. :)

  3. Love that Log Cabin, the colors are perfect.

  4. You've got some lovely quilts in progress. They will wait patiently (or sometimes they may be screaming at you) to finish them. But their time will come. I particularly like that log cabin QOV. (As a second thought -- do you realize that your captcha is requiring us to identify pictures. Usually not a problem but today's asked to identify the parking meter -- two were shown so I clicked on the two and it said to identify all of them. Ugh -- if there was another one I couldn't figure out what it was. Color me frustrated...)
