
Monday, December 16, 2019

Design Wall Monday

It's been a hectic couple of weeks here and I'm finally catching up. I'll share what's on my design wall today; and for the next couple of days, I'll share some of what I've been working while I've been away from blogging.

I'm in the process of quilting this project and then it will be donated to Jack's granddaughter who is organizing a charity auction for a co-worker's mother who is suffering from cancer. I needed something quick and a decent size, and I think this fits the bill. It measures about 70" x 85". I debated on whether or not to add a border, but I decided against it because I really didn't have enough of any fabric that I thought looked good, and I am kind of in a hurry to get it done. 

The woman who will benefit from the auction (I don't know her.), likes all shades of blue. I found some very pretty blue fabrics in my stash and since some of them include a touch of green, I decided to use green for the small squares. I am happy with the result. It's difficult to see in the picture, but the background fabric is a very light shade of blue.

Last year, I made this quilt for a similar auction that Maggie organized.

That quilt was larger (90" x 98") and I chose that one because I thought it fit perfectly for the person in whose honor the auction was being held - our son-in-law Jim. Jim loved the outdoors, whether he was hunting, fishing, or gardening. This quilt reminded me of serene waters and it made me smile. Unfortunately, Jim passed away a week before the auction, but it was held anyway. 

The winner of this quilt was one Maggie's work partner and she surprised us all when she gave the quilt to Maggie. It still makes me smile to know that this quilt is with Maggie and giving her comfort every day. I hope that the winner of this year's quilt feels the same way.

I'm thinking of this fabric for the binding, but I won't decide that until it's all quilted. It's got the right colors and is part of the same line as some of the fabrics I used. I'll decide and then post pictures later.

What are you working on today?

Check out some quilters eye candy at 


1 comment:

  1. I love the blue and green combination! And I know I won’t be the only one. Kudos to you for making a quilt for this important event. And while I know it’s been a year, I am sorry about the loss of your son-in-law. The quilt you made in his honor is beautiful.

