
Monday, March 14, 2011

Design Wall Monday

Well, it happened again. I missed the stash report! I got busy yesterday and before I knew it, it was pretty late and I was too lazy to look at my list and post the report. I know, I'm a slacker!

I wasn't going to shirk my posting duties two days in a row, so here's what's on my design wall today.
I have to admit that this is a new project and that I SHOULD be working on a UFO or two, or three.... Hey wait a minute. Doesn't UFO mean "Unrelenting Fabric Obsession"? If that's the case, then I AM working on a UFO! I've had a couple of Bali Pops that I bought a while ago, not knowing how I was going to use them and it's been bugging me. Here's where I used one. (I just realized that I never posted a picture of the finished quilt. I'll do that soon.)

Well, the other Bali Pops were distracting me so I decided I better find a pattern that would be perfect for them. (I didn't want this gnawing at me for months, right?) :-) Anyway, I decided on the Stepping Stones pattern by Judy Niemeyer and I HAD to pair up the fabrics.
Of course the next problem I had was that I wanted to see what a block would look like, so.........
I had to make a block!

Ok, now I can get back to my "Unfinished Objects"! Well, maybe not.

Check out other Design Walls today by going to Judy L.'s Patchwork Times.


  1. Now that you have made a block, doesn't that make this a UFO???

  2. I like your definition of UFO. I might need to embrace this idea :)

  3. Oh my, that is going to be some quilt. Look forward to seeing it.

  4. your stepping stones is going to be just wonderful, can't wait to see it finished.
