
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Shouldn't Have Done This, But....

I started a new project tonight and this is what I have so far!
I know that I should have been working on any number of projects that are in various stages of completion (notice my positive thinking - I didn't say they are UFOs), but as I was cleaning up fabric from my Tumbler Quilt, I noticed a bunch of 2" strips that had been separated into lights and darks. I grabbed the tub and sat down at the sewing machine and started stitching them into pairs. That didn't take too long so I decided that I might as well do something with them rather than put them back into the tub. I knew that there had to be something quick and easy that I could make so I looked at my "Quilts I Want to Make" file on the computer and decided on this. This file holds LOTS of pictures and notes about quilts I see when I'm checking out blogs on Design Wall Monday and the Stash Reports. It also includes quilts that I see on various on-line groups to which I belong.

I was about three quarters of the way through piecing the blocks with I thought that I'd seen a similar quilt on Bonnie Hunter's website so I took a break and checked it out. Here's Bonnie's Strip Twist. I didn't construct mine quite like she did, but it sure is close. I have to sew all the blocks together and decide about borders yet, but this went together VERY quickly.

Since it's so scrappy, I think I'll just quilt an all-over design and that shouldn't take very long, especially since the quilt isn't very big, even if I decide to add a border or two. Ok, I know that I'll finish this soon, so it was fine that I did this instead of working on something else. Afterall, one of my UFOs for the month is completely done and the other just needs to be quilted and bound. Besides, I needed to do some mindless sewing. I've been really busy the last couple of days and it's not going to get any better for at least three weeks. I've got classes and extra work hours coming up and this was just what I needed to slow down and put everything in perspective. Who knows, I just might whip up a couple more projects when I'm feeling stressed or tired. I'll let you know if I do!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!
    I think a block on the left side needs to be turned a quarter turn.
