
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stash Report - Weeks 16 and 17

I've been using up some of the massive amount of fabric that I reported as "In" in my last stash report. I still have a lot to use, but I'm out of the red for now. I'm really not stressing about this. I know it'll all get used - eventually. I'm please with my numbers here, especially the five UFOs completely done (and three more that are quilted and ready for binding) and the nine new quilts completely done.

Of course, the fact that I have eleven quilts that are ready for quilting is a bit daunting, but I'll get to them. It's just that I seeem to always find a new project that just calls out to me and says "Joanne, you need to make me. Put aside other things and move me to the front of the list. NOW!" Well, as you all probably understand, you just have to listen to the voice of reason fabric and do what needs to be done. I admit it. I lack quilting discipline. Maybe there should be a support group for those of us with this affliction. Maybe I should work on this. Maybe.....see there I go again. Distraction!!

Back to the stash report. I finished the Amazon Star top and that used a lot of fabric, and I'm close to finishing the Summer Solstice. I finished up a couple of little projects and those are already gifted; plus I got the binding machine sewn to the Pink Stars quilt that Lynn started a number of years ago and I finally finished. I don't think I ever showed a picture of that. Heck, I don't even find a picture of the quilt at all, so I'll try to remember to snap a shot of that and post a picture later today or tomorrow.

I've been working on a couple of other projects that have deadlines and that has defintely put a kink in my sewing time. My goal is to finish up all those things in the next day or so and get back to sewing. Well, maybe not actual productive sewing, but some sewing. Jerry is coming to visit this coming weekend and Nikki and family will be arriving here in a few days. I just have to spend time being Grandma.  :-) 

Here's the Report:
Fabric Added These Two Weeks: 0.00 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 150.25 yards

Fabric Used These Weeks: 28.50 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 160.375 yards
Net Fabric Used for 2012: 10.25 yard

UFOs Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 5
UFOs Still to Do: ??? (I really should make a list, but that would only upset me!)
New Quilts Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 9
Quilts Ready to be Quilted and Bound: 11
Quilts Quilted and Ready to be Bound: 3

Check out what other quilters are doing with their stash by going to Judy L's
Patchwork Times.

1 comment:

  1. I color code my "net" number.
    Red means more in that out.
    Green means more out than in.
