
Monday, November 28, 2016

Don't Ever Say Never

I have always admired Cathedral Window Quilts. But, I have NEVER had the intention of making one or even trying the technique.

I was recently asked to make a Cathedral Window pillow for someone and I reluctantly agreed. Here is my first attempt.

I am somewhat pleased with this first attempt, although I have a lot of practicing to do before I am completely pleased and ready to make one to give away. There is a lot of pressing that needs to be done, and it needs to be done accurately. My mistake was trying to rush the process and take short cuts.

Before starting this, I wisely decided to use scraps for this first attempt. I like these fabrics and they were left over squares from a previous project. I'll put this pillow in the spare room that has a coordinating quilt. Where my points don't quite meet, I may add some embellishments like a pearl or button. Or, I may just leave it as is to keep me humble. :-)

I used a pressing template from Erica Plank- Unseen Hands that works well, if you take your time and do as she suggests. She also has a video on her Facebook page that was helpful, and if you decide that you want to make a pillow or quilt, I suggest you watch it. I should have done that. :-)

I seriously doubt that I will ever make a Cathedral Window quilt, but stay tuned for another pillow or two.

Check out other quilt projects being worked on today.

Go to Judy L's Patchwork Times



  1. It looks so nice. It has always been one of my favorite patterns. My grandmother once did a whole quilt - by hand - in that pattern. After doing a pillow, I knew I could not do one either.

  2. Looks fine with me for a first time?? I do like the idea of using buttons.. I just love buttons and use them whenever I can..... Now I need a pillow form and make one for myself. With buttons of lol

  3. Yes, you can't rush this technique - and a pillow is all I make as I just could not handle a full quilt of this.

  4. You are doing better than me -- I made 1 pin cushion. I live the two flowers in with the other fabs. For some reason those two made it look like you had circles there. Very nice.

  5. The pillow looks great to me. I know that I am definitely a visual/tactile learner. I have read a pattern for cathedral widows and even put some fabric down and tried to mimic sewing with my pins and fingers. When it came to turning fabric back and sewing it down, I knew that wasn't going to work for me. It was too tedious for the perfectionistic tendencies I own. I knew I would not be happy and it would drive me crazy and not be fun. I just knew it was not for me. I admire anyone who can do any amount of cathedral window. I just do not have the patience. Thanks for sharing your brave journey into the unknown world of Cathedral Window. Nice job.
