
Monday, October 2, 2017

Design Wall Monday

I have finally gotten the backing fabric for the table runner and placemats that I was working on last week and will hopefully get to quilting them tomorrow night. In the mean time, I've got these three wall hangings on the design wall.

The pattern is Faith Hope Love by J. Michelle Watts. Instructions are provided for making this as one single wall hanging or three separates ones. As you can see, I prefer the three separate ones. This is the fourth set I've made and I have one more set to make. Here is the second set I made back in March.

I need to applique the pieces down and then do the quilting and binding. It really shouldn't take long, as they are all pretty small and I just free motion quilt them. My goal is to have the first set complete tonight. 

It seems appropriate on which to be working today, considering the horrific events in Las Vegas last night. I am so saddened by this, and wonder when it will end. I'm struggling with wrapping my brain around what's happened and what may happen next.

I want to retreat into my own world of happiness and peace. I want to block out events like this, along with hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. I know that I can't turn a blind eye to these events, but I really want to.

I need to step back and evaluate how I can help. I know I can't stop the natural disasters or the actions of other people. Instead, perhaps I can help in the aftermath of these event. I've got a bunch of pillowcases ready to send out to Sarah over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and I'm already somewhat involved in helping Scott Fortunoff, President of A.E. Nathan Co., Blank Quilting, StudioE, and Vice-President of Henry Glass Fabric give away free sewing machines. (I have a bunch of used machines that are being given away.) If you haven't heard about this, check out his original blog post HERE.

Scott's blog today says he has more machines to give away; so take a minute, think about who could benefit from this, and send Scott an e-mail.

What are you working on today?

Check out the eye candy at


Beth's Monday Making 


  1. Prayers to all in Nevada, Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. But each of the lives touched in the catastrophe events touch all Americans.

    I too wonder if this country will put the petty problems aside and learn to live right again.

    The last 8 years have divided this Nation and the Ship of America may never be righted again!

    I love J. Michelle's work. I have so many of her patterns. Such a sweet lady and hard working also. I have my Faith Love and Hope at the top of my Blog. I gave them away as a donation to a Quilt Show. I need to remake them.

  2. I have had this pattern for a long time and have no idea where I put it. I think it's time to get it out. I think we all need some angels.

    I think believers may think this is the season for the coming of our Lord! We don't know the day or time and we sure can know the season.

    Prayers for all those hurting not only in the US but also around the world. My son and his gf are going to see the Jason Aldeen who was performing in Las Vegas. They are to see him next week. I hope they get to see him perform. I am shock at the all the chaos in the world today. I don't have a machine right now - mine died, so I'll knit tonight for some peace of mind. Thanks for sharing your angels.

  3. I like your site and content. thanks for sharing the information keep updating, looking forward for more posts. Thanks
