
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bright Stars Top is Done

The borders are on and the binding is made (see it at the top left corner). Now I just have to quilt this puppy and a very old UFO is DONE, DONE, and DONE.

Can you tell that the quarter square trianlges in the sashing are 3-D? Here's a couple of close ups.

Aren't they fun?

PieceFULL Border

I decided to add an additional border of the black fabric to the bright star quilt and although I knew it would be close and that I would have to piece in a couple of the left-over sashing rectangles, I didn't realize until I was getting ready to cut the top and bottom borders just how many seams there were.

Yep, there are six seams and I have to add one more of the rectangles to make this fit! Hey I still have one or two left over so life is good.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Jack and I made a rhubarb pie today. Yes, we did it together. We don't make all kinds of pie together, just rhubarb. I make the pie crust and Jack makes the filling; but I'm beginnng to think we should make a change to that arrangement.

I don't make pies nearly as often as I used to because neither one of us should be eaing it very much. Maybe I've gotten out of the habit and that's the problem. I don't know, but I don't think I can make a good looking pie anymore.

The entire time I was making this pie crust, it never felt quite right. It felt too wet; and even though I added extra flour and it felt better, it was sticky and kind of fell apart when transferring it to the pie pan. Jack says it tastes good; but darn it I want it to look good too.

I think that I've lost my pie crust making mojo.  :-(

Monday, May 28, 2012

Design Wall Monday

The Bright Star quilt is still up on the wall. The rows are all sewn, I just have to sewn them together.

No sewing for me the last couple of days, as I spent the weekend hosting a sew-in for some of my students. I had a blast! Check out this post to see pictures of all the projects!

See what other quilters have on their design walls today.
Go to Judy L's Patchwork Times.

Weekend Sew-In

I hosted a sew-in Saturday and Sunday for some of my quilting students. These lovely ladies were encouraged to work on any project from a class they've taken from me and haven't finished or on any project with which they needed help or just wanted to finish.

We had a lot of fun and even though I now realize I didn't get pictures of everyone, here are a few that I did get. I will to get pictures of EVERYONE next time, even if I have to sneak them.  :-)

I was pleased with the work that everyone got done and I sure hope they were also!

There was a whole lot of consultations that took place this weekend, although I'm not sure it was all about quilting. :-)

Here's the Dvorak Ladies
Stacey is helping Libby, while Pat is working in a cute flower applique quilt.

Here's Libby's Patchwork Hearts in progress. If you click on the picture, you should be able to see that the hearts are all pieced with squares and half square triangles that finish 1 1/2".

Here's Libby's completed top. This is her second quilt and I think she did an awesome job! She's taking this to the Lorain Co. Fair as her 4-H project and I can't wait to here the results. By the time she left, the quilt was sandwiched and ready to quilt. YEAH!! (Not too shabby for a 10 year old!)
Stacey was working on the Four Patch Galore, but I didn't get a picture. :-(
I also didn't get a picture of Pat's flower applique blocks. :-(

Here's Maura's Lady Bug quilt on the design wall. She's decided this was the layout to use.

The first border is on! Maura is a new quilter and I think she's done an awesome job.
Kathy, I see you hiding in the background! Lookout for the next time. You might not be so sly and be able to hide from the camera.  :-)

Maura had to leave before she could add all the borders, but this is what it will look like when she's done. Cute! Cute! Cute!

Mabel is trimming the Unit A blocks for her Bali Wedding Star.

Pam is also making the Bali Wedding Star and she's busy trimming.

Here are a few of the units that Pam and Mabel finished. I think the bright light in the background between them is their halo. This is their first Judy Niemeyer project and they aren't making the small one! Click here to see a pcitire of the quilt they are making.

Fran and Darla are busy working away! They were both pretty quiet when they were sewing. 
Sure wish I had that ability to concentrate so well.

Isn't this star beautiful? I think Fran was able to complete 26 or 28 of the 32 she needs for her granddaughter's quilt. AWESOME!!

Look what Darla made! She's a VERY new quilter and took on this challenging project. This is made with lots of homespuns and triangles. She has a couple of borders to add, including a pieced one but I know she'll be fine. This quilt was a great reminder of how interesting it is to rip out seams from homspuns and not have them ravel. Thanks for the lesson Darla! I can't wait to see this done.
You did an AWESOME job!

Here's the inside of Eileen's Maple Leaf Log Cabin quilt. She's making the small version of my pattern. I love the colors of her leaves.
I'm not sure how Eileen escaped from being in this picture. She probably talked to Donna, Kare and PJ who also don't show up in any pictures.
Donna was working on the large version of the Maple Leaf Log Cabin, PJ was working on a really cute purse and Kare was cutting fabric all weekend. She made a pretty big dent in her scrap basket/box!
Look out Ladies, the camera will be searching for you the next time.  :-)

I had a blast and look forward to posting finished projects soon!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


If you want a very humbling experience, pull out a project that you started a long time ago and compare it to what you are working on now.

I know that I have always disliked math, but I never knew how 1/4" challenged I was. I'm hoping/praying that the reason there are so many variations of 1/4" on this project is because I was working on this when I was having eye trouble. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I'll post an updated picture soon, I hope.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Smith Mountain Morning

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a Bonnie Hunter Smith Mountain Morning workshop at Quilt Beginnings in Columbus. As my birthday gift, my best friend Kare signed us up and paid for the workshop!  I wish you could all have a friend like her.  :-)

Anyway, we had a good time and here's what I finished during the class. I also have LOT of the pieces and parts put together so when I get a chance to sit down and work on this again, it shouldn't take a really long time to complete the top.

Check out Bonnies' blog for more pictures of the various colorways in which people were working.

I'd have pictures of my own to share if I had taken my camera! I had been in Dayton/Middletown Friday and Saturday and had my camera then, but when I was packing for this trip (we spent the Sunday night in Columbus), I decided to change bags and I didn't transer my camera to the new bag. 

Besides the camera, I didn't take hair conditioner or a hair dryer. I used the rest of the conditioner Sunday when I showered and while packing, picked up another shampoo instead of conditioner. I guess that just goes to show you that I should be sure to have my glasses on when I'm packing. Now the hair dryer is a different story. I didn't take one to with me for the Dayton trip because I just use my sister's. (Thanks Terri!) Anyway, I guess I was in a hurry, but I forgot it. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal except the hotel didn't have a hair dryer for me to use. Instead I dried my hair using the air conditioner. FYI - that's a slow process.  :-)  Thanks Kare for not taking any pictures of that!

After the class, Jerry joined us at the shop and we picked out some fabric for him to use when he's visiting in June. We're having a sewing weekend and I can't wait. I will have my camera for that!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Found and Finished

Ok, so you know that I'm trying to reorganize my sewing area, right? Ok, I guess that is being generous because reorganize implies that it was organized at some point and that really has never been the case. Anyway, I digress.

I found the pieces for two aprons I was making for Quinn and Sadie. I have no idea how long ago I started these, but I'm guessing that it's been close to a year ago. I made a couple of aprons for Quinn to use at her house (and of course, now Sadie can use them), but I wanted a couple to stay here.

Instead of putting these in the "to be worked on" tub, I sat down and finished them! (Don't you just love the models?)

Now, I realize that technically I should have put them aside and continued working on the task at hand (cleaning, organizing, etc.) but I really felt the need to finish something and not just keep adding to the tub of itms to be worked on later.

These are done and I feel refreshed and ready to continue organizing. Of course my eagerness could be because I know that I have to run errands in a little bit, that I'll be in Dayton tomorrow and Saturday and in Columbus on Monday; which of course means that I don't have much time to work on the room anyway.

I really don't want to leave the room in a complete state of disaster while I'm gone now do I? Worse yet, I don't want to sit down to work on Tuesday and have a total mess.  I know, excuses, excuses, but it works for me right now!  :-)   

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Design Wall/Bright Stars

Well, it's not Monday, but here's what's on my design wall. (Better late than never, right?)

This is an old UFO. (I have no idea of how old, I just know it's old!) I found this in a pizza box while I was reorganizing my sewing area. I have all the blocks done and it appears that I have all the background pieces cut and ready to go as well. You probably can't tell, but the pieces that look like quarter square triangles are actually 3-D praire points and I have the squares cut and ready to fold. Heck I even have the sketch that I made and the scrap of paper I used to determine my yardages. I sure wish I had included a date on one of these papers. I think I'm going to start doing that so I know when I started projects. On second thought, maybe I shouldn't. It might really be painful to see how long it takes to complete some of these quilts.

It's funny, but I love these colors and am surprised that I would have chosen them. They are so bright and wonderful! I went through a fairly long period of time when everything I made was pretty conservative. I mean, really conservative. Thimbleberries was just about all I used because I knew that no matter what I picked, the fabrics would all play well together. I started to branch out and add some other fabric lines, but often the majority were still Thimbleberries or all from the same fabric line. I was afraid to mix prints so I had just a few prints and them complimented them with Moda Marbles or something similar.

My husband calls that my "safe" period of quilting and was really glad when I branched out and tried other things. The idea of making a scrappy quilt, no matter how much I desperately wanted to, just about tossed me over the deep edge. I loved the looks of them, but just couldn't figure out how it seemed so effortless for other people to make them. I tried, but ended up making them very controlled and not really scrappy. My idea of scrappy was to use four different greens (all the same value) and a single background fabric. Whoa!!! That was a really big deal.

I've changed that up a bit. Check out a few of my more recent quilts. Carolina Crossroads is more controlled, but still fairly scrappy. My quilts using Judy Niemeyer patterns (Summer Solstice, Glacier Star) aren't really scrappy, but they certainly didn't follow my "normal" fabric selection process.  My Tumbler quilt is very scrappy. As a matter of fact, there are no fabrics used twice in this quilt. That's 577 different fabrics! My 4-Patch Galore quilt used a bunch of different fabrics and I love how they all worked together. Of course we have the raffle quilt I made last year that was scrappy 30's reproductions. I love this quilt! And of course, we have my still in progress Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt. Anyway, you get the picture. I've expanded my horizons and just love to try to work with tons of fabric now.

Getting back to the quilt I just "found." I'm choosing to ignore the fact that there are a some points that don't match. I thought about taking the time to fix them, but then I decided that they really aren't that bad and I can live with it. (You really have no idea how "freeing" that decision is!) Anyway, I'm excited to get busy on this, but it will have to wait a couple of days because I have to finish up a memory quilt for someone.

As I said before, I found this while reorganizing my sewing area. I don't know about you, but I ALWAYS make such a mess when I'm reorganizing. I know that it will be better when I'm done; but man, what a mess! I've been reading the book Organizing Solutions for Every Quilter, and I love it. I've taken the information provided and began to look at my sewing area a bit more critically. I really have an issue with clutter (never put away things after I use them) and realize that the main reason is that their "home" really isn't very convenient or practical so I needed to figure out how to change that. This reorganization is definitely a work in progress, but I'm excited that I now have some direction.

I borrowed the book from the library and had to wait for it since the end of last year. It was well worth the wait, but since there are so many people who have placed a hold on the book, I can't renew it.  :-(  It is actually overdue by 2 days now, but I don't want to give it back until I'm done reading it. I've taken a bunch of notes and should be able to return it in a day or so. It is worth the 10 cents a day late charge! Oh heck, I'm just going to buy the book. I know I will use it over and over. If you are unhappy with your sewing set-up, you really should read this book.

Check out what other quilter's have on their design walls.
Go to Judy L's Patchwork Times
Quilting by the River's Linky Party Tuesday.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Stash Report

Not a whole lot of quilting has been happening around here lately. Quinn and Sadie stayed with us for a couple of days after Nikki, Zach and Ronan left and that was a lot of fun. While Sadie napped one afternoon, Quinn and I made some small pillows. Check out this post to see some pictures. She loves the pillows, as does Sadie, who uses hers in the car.

The girls spent a couple of days at Lynn and Ty's house after they left here and I know they had a great time! They sure do love their Aunt Lynn and Uncle Ty.

After the girls left, Jack's grandson Ian came to spend a few days and it was really nice to see him. Unfortunately he ended up with strep throat and didn't feel so hot the last few days. We're keeping our fingers crossed that he didn't share the infection, but we'll see.

Last night we went to watch Jack's granddaughter Hannah perform in her school musical All Shook Up. It was a really good show and Hannah was awesome. I'm amazed at the talent that she and her schoolmates have.

Back to the stash report.....

I did get the borders added to the Carolina Crossroads quilt. I was a bit hesitant about these borders and introducing the floral fabric in the border, but Nikki really likes it and since it's going to be her quilt and she was certain that she'd like it, I did it.

I like the result and will like it even more when it's quilted and the binding is added because that will be one of the teal/green fabrics in the body of the quilt. Or maybe not....After looking at this a bit more, maybe I will try the dark brown again. I guess I'll just wait until it's quilted and decide.

I made a small purse Friday night (haven't taken a picture yet) and had a couple of embroidery orders, and that was all the time I spent in the sewing room.

I know I said it before, but really, here's the report:
Fabric Added This Week: 0.00 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 150.25 yards

Fabric Used This Week: 2.50 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 177.625 yards
Net Fabric Used for 2012: 27.375 yard

UFOs Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 9
UFOs Still to Do: ??? (I really should make a list, but that would only upset me!)
New Quilts Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 12
Quilts Ready to be Quilted and Bound: 13
Quilts Quilted and Ready to be Bound: 0

Check out what other quilters are doing with their stash by going to Judy L's
Patchwork Times. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Link to a Giveaway

While taking a few minutes to check out some quilting blogs, I came across the Quilting Lodge blog. They are hosting a cool giveaway and as much as I'd like to keep it a secret and increase my chances to win, I'm going to share the link so you can all get a  chance at winning too. Click HERE to sign up for yourself. If you win because of this link from my blog, I think we should split the prize.  :-)

I love the circles that she working on and I can't wait to see how it turns out. Even though I'm not a huge fan of applique, this could change that. What do you think?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thread Play

I think these pictures give a whole new meaning to the idea of thread play. The girls just love to play with the spools and this time they were separating the different types of threads. All the Superior Threads (So Fine and King Tut) were put on one rack and all the others were mixed and put "willy nilly" on the other rack. I figure this is good for developing fine motor skills, right?

By the way, I did dress Sadie today. She spilled a glass of milk on herself and they started playing before I got her dressed again.

Sewing Pillows!

Quinn and I made three pillows today! One is for her froggy, one is for Sadie and one is for Quinn. Quinn is letting Grndpa Jack try out Sadie's pillow.

I think the pillows work. Everyone is sleeping, including Froggy!  :-)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Design Wall Monday

Even though the sewing machine has been pretty quiet lately I'm still being pretty productive. I finished Ronan's quilt, which by the way has been initiated, if you know what I mean what can happen when you change a baby boy's diaper and you aren't quite fast enough to get the new diaper in place.  :-)

I finished both bindings that just needed the hand stitching. The puzzle quilt can be seen here, and below is one quarter of the pink and white star quilt that Lynn started a number of years ago and is finally done. I'll take a better picture later.

And I decided to pull out the Carolina Crossroads UFO that Nikki has been wanting me to finish for her. That's what is on the design wall.

I started this quilt back in late 2007 - early 2008 when Bonnie Hunter offered it as a mystery quilt. I followed along with the mystery and was even keeping up until it came time for the borders. I wanted something different than the original design, but I just didn't know what. Of course, I couldn't decide and then other quilts "got in the way" and this was set aside.

A couple of years ago, Nikki saw the top and asked if she could have it when it was done. I finally told her that she could have it, but that I had no idea of when it would be done. She said she'd be patient. (Yeah, right!) Anyway, this resurfaced a couple of weeks ago when my friend Kare told me that she had signed the two of us up for a class with Bonnie Hunter at Quilt Beginnings in Columbus. (I have great friends, don't I?)

Kare wants to take one of Bonnie's quilts that she has made with us when we go and that got her started on a search of projects. I decided to do the same. I've made a fair number of different quilts using Bonnie's patterns or variations of her patterns - Pineapple Blossom, Four Patch and Furrows, Fourth of July, Double Delight, Patches and Pinwheels, and Strip Twist - to name of few. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, most of these have been gifted already and I have no way of taking them with me, and I just realized that I don't have pictures of some of these quilts on this coputer. I'm pretty sure I took pictures. I just have to figure out where I put them.

Of course, the quilts I mentioned here are the ones I have finished. Besides the Carolina Crossroads shown above, I have two Double Delights that are UFOs and I'm really not sure what else. Sad, isn't it?

Anyway, to get back to the borders of the Carolina Crossroads....When I put this quilt away, I put it with some fabrics that I thought I might use in the border. After discussion with my brother Jerry and Nikki, here are the fabrics we decided to use.

I have to piece the borders and then add them to the quilt, but I'm doubting that the whole thing will be completed before the worshop with Bonnie, which is May 21st. It doesn't really matter. I'm excited that we figured out what to do and that I can soon cross this off my UFO list.

I finally got a decent picture of the Amazon Star quilt top this morning. As you can see below, it's big (104" x 104") and the guys had to hold it from the balcony so I could get a picture of the entire thing.

If you have a few minutes and want to read how a young person pays tribute to a special teacher, follow this link.

The granddaughter of my friend Vaughn wrote the essay as a scholarship entry and I encourage you to read and then vote for Zoe. I think this essay is well-written and speaks volumes of not only the teacher's quality, but of Zoe's ability to recognize  and thank someone who has played an important role in her life.  Good luck with the scholorship and school, Zoe!!

What is on your design wall? Check out what other quilters have on their design walls.
Go to Judy L's Patchwork Times.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Stash Report-Weeks 18 & 19

There was some fabric usage worth reporting this past two weeks, but it isn't because I did any sewing. I had a couple of technique classes for which I made up kits from my stash. For the past two weeks I have been stealing away a few minutes at a time to handstitch binding. I finished two (check out the puzzle quilt here) and I'm almost done with the second one. I don't have a picture of Ronan's completed quilt, but it is done. Maybe I'll get a picture later today. 

I may not have a great net fabric usage number, but I'm thrilled at my quilt completion numbers!

Here's the Report:
Fabric Added These Two Weeks: 0.00 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 150.25 yards

Fabric Used These Weeks: 14.75 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 175.125 yards
Net Fabric Used for 2012: 24.875 yard

UFOs Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 8
UFOs Still to Do: ??? (I really should make a list, but that would only upset me!)
New Quilts Done, Done, Done (Pieced, Quilted, and Bound): 12
Quilts Ready to be Quilted and Bound: 12
Quilts Quilted and Ready to be Bound: 1

Check out what other quilters are doing with their stash by going to Judy L's
Patchwork Times.