Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I've Finally Done It

Yep, I'm updating my blog for the first time in over 7 weeks! Actually, I'm just letting you all know that I'm still around and that I know I am a slacker. This post is going to be VERY short because I have to get the guild information out to everyone today and try to get an accurate grocery shopping list together so I don't have to make umpteen trips to the store for all of the items I forgot.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that the new year is shaping up to be a good one for you. I was going to make a resolution that was something like this: " I resolve to update my blog at least once a week, if not more in 2009," I knew that would only be setting myself up for failure so I didn't do it. How's this for a resolution: "I'll try to post weekly and not beat myself up if I don't do it"? I like the second resolution best!

Anyway, I have some pictures I'll share in my next post that include some of the projects that I made for Christmas, what I am working on now, and the projects that I want to start soon. Be on the lookout for that post sometime in the next ??????? or so.

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