Isn't it amazing that appliances know just when to break down? Our fr
eezer has been a bit temperamental lately and it finally quit working Tuesday. Actually, it still works, but as a refrigerator, not a freezer and only when it feels like it. For a while, it didn't even work as a refrigerator so we did lose some stuff. As you can tell, the new freezer is larger, especially since I had to throw out a bunch of stuff. Oh well, I'll start restocki
ng soon.
I haven't had much time to quilt lately, just a bit of piecing here and there. I was hoping to get my retreat quilt done for Saturday's meeting, but I don't think that will happen. Plus, I didn't get any more done on the raffle quilt. I MUST finish that and get my "S" blocks done for the alphabet swap. Oh, I just remembered that I also have a pink and brown swap to get done also. Those won't take too much time though. My goal is to get all of the swap blocks done by Sunday and get really serious about the raffle quilt. I love how it is turning out.
I've had 5 embroidery orders this week that needed done quickly so that took precedence over quilting. It was kind of cool to be able to cut fabric while both machines were embroidering. I was cutting some more half square triangles for my Ocean Waves quilt, and there are a LOT of HSTs! Check out Bonnie Hunters website for a picture of the quilt. Her blog is on my sidebar and you can get to her site from there.
Nikki and Quinn are here tonight. Since Zach has moved to Cincinnati already, I picked up Quinn earlier tonight so Nikki could get more packing done. When Nikki came to get Quinn, she stayed for a while and just decided to spend the night. YEAH!! I sure am going to miss these overnights! They are planning to make the final move next weekend. BOO HOO!
For Christmas, Nikki made me a scrapbook and I love looking at it. Apparently, so does Quinn! More to come later....
1 comment:
The old looks like a great place to store fabric! LOL My dishwasher has been broken for a long while, It serves it's function for my supplies. lol
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