Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hugs and Kisses Blog Hop

It's my day for the Hugs and Kisses Blog Hop!

Before I get to the projects, I'd like to thank Jane of Jane's Fabrics and Quilts for being an awesome cheerleader and Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt! for organizing this hop. You two ROCK!! 

You can see the entire Blog Hop Schedule HERE.
Here are my cohorts for the day; so grab a cup of coffee or beverage of choice and enjoy the eye candy. (My close up pictures will not post correctly, but hopefully I can get that resolved quickly.) I've got them in now, so check them out at the end of the post.  :-) 
In the mean time, enjoy what's here.) By the way; read to the end of this post and see how you can win a couple of fat quarters.
Thursday February 14th

I was very excited to sign up for this hop and when Jane notified me that I had made the cut, I got right to work and had my first project done within the day.
If I was asked to use quilting terms to describe life in general, I would probably say things like, "Life is like a quilt and you never know what how beautiful all the little bits and pieces are until you put them together. Perhaps life is best described as a crazy quilt. All those little bits and pieces are really life's loose ends and when put together you never know what you're going to get, but you know they'll be something wonderful because they were pieced together with love."
I want my quilts to make people feel loved every moment of every day. From the moment they wake up to the moment they fall alseep, I want them to know how I feel about them.
Not only is there a love/heart quilt on this bed, a Valentine table runner makes a great bed runner.

A woven rug on the floor takes the chill out of any morning and reminds my family that I love them and want to keep them warm and safe! (This rug was based on a design by Jera ( for Moda Bake Shop.)
A foundation pieced scrappy rug is just the thing to protect my family from the cold tiles of the bathroom floor.

OK, I admit it. This looks like a heart, but it also looks a bit like an alien, doesn't it? Maybe it's the right move to have this in the bathroom, considering how I look in the morning.  :-)
Totay, at my house, when you walk out the door to start your day you'll be greeted with a woven heart, appliqued to a quilted background. This should serve as a reminder that I love you, hope your day is wonderful, and that I can't wait for your return. (The heart was made using the same technique as the two-color woven rug next to the bed above.)
It really is all about love and every quilt I make is made with love!
When you're in love, you really don't sweat the small stuff, so the pictures not posting correctly early this morning was not really a big deal. A good night's sleep and a cup (or two) of coffee and I figured out the problem.
All is good and here are the close-ups  :-) 
Here's the woven rug along side the bed. I really do like this in two-colors only!
And what we lovingly refer to as the Alien Heart Rug.  :-)
Can you see the alien now? Here's he starting to reer his ugly head. Ok, it's really just the wind, but I like the alien story so I'm sticking to it.
This woven heart wall hanging reminds me of the 1970's and 80's. I'm sure it's the colors in the heart and all I need to do is add some grey and I'll be transported right back there. I guess I didn't mind those years because I didn't hate this when it was done.  :-)
I like the quilting on the back too! (The sleeve is cut off in the picture, but you don't need to see that anyway, right?)
And finally the bed runner that is really a table runner, but I like it as bed runner today. The wind wouldn't cooperate so I decided that the message here is that my heart is all aflutter and this just proves it!
Now for the giveaway. Leave a comment and tell me which of these projects you like best. Be a follower (new or continuing), and letting me know will earn you another chance. I have three fat quarters to give away. Of course that picture won't load right now, but I'll get it on here soon. I can tell you that the fabrics would have been perfect to use for any of these projects. They are pink, red, white, cream, hearts..... I took a new picture and added a third fat quarter. YEAH!! If the winner saw this post earlier, won't they be surprised when they receive three fat quarters? I love happy endings!
Oopps! Forgot to say that I'll pick a winner of Tuesday, Feb. 19th.
Thanks for looking and have a great day!


Judy B said...

Love all your projects, but the woven heart is my favorite! Thank you for sharing.

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

LOL I loved the story of the alien rug!!!! ( can't believe you put it on the floor, lol) Sorry you had problems with blogger, I have had same problem a couple of times and its so aggravating! At least you got some of them on!! Lots of wonderful projects here!!

DeborahGun said...

I like your foundation pieced scrappy rug - very pretty!

Nati said...

I like the appliqued heart best! Thanks for sharing and the chance to win!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Love the pink checkerboard heart on the red background - the straight line quilting is great on that. I am a follower -yay! Great stop on the hop - thanks for sharing!

lefuntz said...

I like them all but the bathroom rug is my fave. I don't see an alien, just a very pretty heart.

Teatime Creations said...

What wonderful projects. I love your " alien" heart best. It is sew cheerful.

Teatime Creations said...

I just became a follower. Cute blog.

Elita@Busy Needle Quilting said...

I thought the Alien Heart bathrug was my favourite until I scrolled down & saw the woven heart on the back of the door. I love that idea! Will have to pin it for future reference. Well done with all of your projects. Thanks for sharing!

Elita@Busy Needle Quilting said...

I am a new follower. Looking forward to seeing more greatness! :-)

Gill said...

Great projects! I think my favourite is the woven heart hanging on the door!
Thank you for sharing!

Kay said...

Thank you for sharing such lovely ideas. My favourite is the floor rug, then they know you love them the minute they are out of bed.

Kay said...

I am a new follower too. Happy valentine's day to you.

Britt-Inger said...

I love all your projects. The woven heart is my favorite
Thanks for sharing

Rosa said...

Wonderful projeects.Woven heart is my fav.Thanks for sharing!!

Rosa said...

I already followm you.

Debby said...

I really like the string pieced "alien" heart bath rug. And I do think it looks like a heart. Never thought "alien" until you said something. Have you been looking at MY hair in the morning? Now, that's alien! Thanks for sharing your projects - they are all perfect for today. Happy Valentine's Day to you.

Jeanie said...

Lots of happy hearts! I like the alien heart the best....doesn't look like an alien to me, just a modern heart. Thanks for sharing!

Betsy said...

All the projects are great but I favor the rug. I just made a rag tug

Unknown said...

I have to say I like all of them but I am a door person. I think our front door tells allot about what is on the that would be my pick.

Unknown said...

Oh I am a follower

Judy Cooper Textile Artist said...

I like the woven rug as it can be designed in any colour combination. Thanks for sharing.

Thearica said...

Love them all but that heart rug is delightful!

Sowing Stitches said...

I'm torn between your foundation heart rug and your woven heart! Both are delightful! May your day be filled and overflowing with LOVE!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I like the heart right below that mat...which is lovely too. thanks for the chance

Sandra said...

You have done a wonderful job describing your version of life. All of your projects are surrounded by love but the woven rug on the floor just seems to touch me even more. Thank you for giving all of your Valentine followers a chance to win those lovely fat quarters and taking the time to joing in the Hugs and Kisses Blog Hop. Happy Valentine's Day to you.

Sandi Timmons

Just Quilt It said...

I love your door quilt. I really think all of your projects look great--Your family must really feel loved, and that is so important to producing happy, well-adjusted, giving citizens. You must be doing a great job.

✄ Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy ✄ said...

My favorite is the woven heart - it's absolutely stunning, although I have to say it was really hard to pick a favorite!
Also, if it's any consolation, I had to look really hard at the mat to see an alien...I could see it better when I took my glasses off, lol!
Thanks for the opportunity to win, and Happy Valentine's Day!!

Linda said...

How wonderful that your quilting makes your family feel loved! I agree that quilting is a nurturing craft.
Great job!

Amy C said...

I like the Scrappy Rug myself!
campbellamyd at gmail dot com

Carol Swift said...

I need that alien rug in my bathroom, because I think it resembles how I look in the morning, too. Love all your projects, but that woven heart is just gorgeous. :O)

Agnes B. Bullock said...

I hate having to make a decision- that is so unfair :)

LOVE the woven rug next to the bed, followwed by the heart shaped alien!

Am a follower!

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Cool woven rug...nice projects.. Happy Vday

Teresa Quilts said...

I love all your projects, but if I had to pick one, I think it is the door hanging with the woven heart. It is beautiful!

Joyce Carter said...

I like the scrappy rug the best. Thank you for sharing and for the giveaway.

Loves to Quilt said...

I love your woven heart and your bath rug! Both are soooooo cute!

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

I like the bed/table runner.

Gwen said...

#1) I love the Valentine at the door and the idea of reminding loved ones of your feelings for them as they come and go.

#2) I'm a follower

#3) have a great Valentines Day!

Sallie said...

My favorite is the table runner, but all of them are very LOVE-ly! Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway!

Suze said...

I love the woven rug on the floor. I remember how good a rug felt on a cold, cold floor on ice cold mornings when I was a child. I knew how much I was loved when I felt that rug beside my bed. All your projects are nice!

Kathy L said...

Love the woven heart.

Suze said...

I'm a follower - thanks for the giveaway.

Calicojoan said...

Very nice projects. I wouldn't want to step on your beautiful rug. :-) Love the idea of a quiltie for the door. Another great way to show off our works.

Jan Baker said...

I love your woven rug. The heart is so cute, no aliens anywhere.

Vicki H said...

Great projects. I like the Alien eart best. Thanks for sharing.

Quayceetatter said...

Happy Valentine's Day!! I like them all. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

vicki said...

I like the woven heart best. thanks for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

vicki said...

I am a new follower. Thanks again. vickise at gmail dot com

Deb said...

I really love that woven rug. All your hearts are beautiful.

Beth said...

WOW all your projects are beautiful! I actually have 2 favorites though....the woven heart & the table/bed runner. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas.

Bonnie Pfrimmer said...

All your hearts are very pretty and is hard to chose just one, but I really like the one on your front door.

Bonnie Pfrimmer said...

I am a new follower, thanks for the chance to

Fiddlesticks and Humility said...

My favorite is the "Alien" heart rug... It is very warm and fresh looking

krislovesfabric said...

Love your alien heart, lol! All your projects are beautiful!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Happy Valentine's Day! I love your projects. What a great idea to use a table-runner at the foot of a bed. I just love that. I especially love the rug!

Lou said...

I love the woven heart!!!!

Lou said...

I am a follower.

Cathy's Chatter said...

Thanks for sharing! I really like the "Alien" story and project. How funny! Glad you didn't sweat the small stuff and got your photos posted too! Happy Valentines Day!

Emily C said...

I love the woven heart. Very beautiful

Sparky said...

Joanne, I am so pleased you added more pics..your heart ones is divine..well you will see...great job there.

Kathy H said...

Very cute heart projects and my favorite is the alien rug. I saw the heart at first but then slowly saw the alien. he is smiling though so i think he is a friendly one!

Kathy H said...

I am a happy follower.

Wendy said...

I'm struggling to pick a favourite as they're all fabulous. I'd probably go for the woven heart, it's beautiful

Nikita said...

I am in LOVE with your red heart quilt!! and I love the name of your blog! : )

Brenda said...

I love your woven rug; but it was difficult to choose. You did a fabulous job creating all of these projects. Thanks for sharing and for your giveaway!

sandra said...

You did a beautiful on all of your lovely projects, thanks for sharing.

Diana said...

Love all your projects. Thanks for the giveaway.

Rina Mason said...

They are all beautiful and you made it really hard to pick a favorite but I have to go with the woven heart.

Tammy said...

I love each and every one of them. but my 2 favorites is the woven rug and the table/bed runner.Theya reo gorgoues and filled with love. I think people who quilt areo full of love it just runs out into our projects. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

Rina Mason said...

I am a new follower and am so glad I found you thru the hop. Looking forward to your posts.

Tammy said...

I'm a brand new follower. Thank you for the chance to enter your wonderful giveaway.

Tammy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diann said...

I couldn't tell you why that one, but I like the woven heart wall hanging the best.

Mary D. said...

Joanne, all the projects are fun and fabulous! Who can pick just one? Esp me - you know! I picked the woven bedside rug, then changed to the door hanging, but you know, the alien bath rug is really lovely, even is an alien appears now and then! (Step on it!) In your home, it is clear that love eliminates the negative! But your sense of humor clearly helps!

Mary D. said...

Oh, and I am a follower of you on your blog...always inspired!

Martina said...

The table runner is my favourite but all of the projects are just lovely!

Anda W said...

I love all of your work but have a soft spot for the table/bed runner! I am a new follower! awolk at rogers dot com

Vivian said...

Love all your projects but i really like the woven heart and rug.

Wendy said...

You've done beautiful work and glad picture loader finally cooperated with you. I think I'm inspired to try a two-color quilt now. Very nice and thank you for the share!

Lyn said...

Lots of really nice projects. Thanks for being part of the hop!

Shauna said...

It is so hard to choose, I love them all, but the pink checked heart is simply wonderful. Thanks so much for the chance!!!!

Shauna said...

I'm a new follower, love your work!!!!

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

Like your projects! Thanks for sharing today :)

StitchinByTheLake said...

I love your rugs - what a great idea. And I have a perfect spot for one in my bedroom! blessings, marlene

Nini said...

I love all your projects!! Great job. Thanks for sharing

Mrs.Pickles said...

wow wonderful work!

JoyceLM said...

The woven heart is my favorite - thanks for sharing & thanks for the giveaway.

JoyceLM said...

I'm already a follower - thanks again.

Nancy: said...

You have made it really hard to choose -- like them all but am kind of interesting in trying one of the rugs when we get moved into our new house.

Elizabeth said...

The woven pieces are amazing! And I love the alien. Yep, I see him! Happy Valentine's Day!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Rosemary B here:
Well, for me it was very hard to choose a favorite but I bit the bullet and I really like the one with the woven pink and white heart, the one that got most creative today. LOVE it.
I also love your rug bunches.
Thank you for sharing your massive creativity

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Rosemary B here: and I am already following via the kitty blog so I read you in blogger :-)

Janarama said...

Love all of your projects. My two favorites are the alien rug and the woven heart rug. Thank you for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Jodi - usairdoll said...

WoW! I can just feel all the Love your sending out! Great post! All of your projects are beautiful! I'd love to make a woven rug, thanks for the link. My favorite is your alien heart rug, it has personality, hehe. Thanks for sharing all your projects with us, awesome job!

Thank you for a neat giveaway and a chance to win.


Jodi - usairdoll said...

I'm a follower via GFC.

Thanks again for a chance to win some cute fabric.


gpc said...

What beautiful hearts! Love them!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful projects, you've been busy! I have to go with the Alien!!

Anonymous said...

Love all your "quilts". Where do you get all that energy to sew all day every day.

Quilter Kathy said...

So fun that your heart's all aflutter!

Bonnie58 said...

I love the woven heart rug. Gorgeous. Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

love all of your projects, I am especially fond of checkerboards, so I have to say I liked it best. Love your fabrics for the drawing, thanks for hopping along with us!

Barb66 said...

I love them all but my favorite is the woven heart.

pippirose said...

I love the table runner, though the others are lovely, too.
I'm a new follower.
Happy Valentine's Day!
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Sewgirl said...

I think I like the Alien Heart Rug the best. They are all delightful though!

Sewgirl said...

I am already a follower!

LJ said...

I am a follower. So many sweet projects to choose's a toss up between the red/white rug and the woven heart. I love red and white and that's a great rug. Did you make up your own design or is it in a book? Can you share the process? Almost too pretty to walk on. I can see myself walking along, walking along, and then screeeeech, I make a quick step to the left to avoid putting my feet on it! lol

ThreadCatcher said...

Your projects are adorable! I like the rug the best. Thanks for sharing.

ThreadCatcher said...

I am a follower via RSS Feeds.

Quiltsmiles said...

I follow via google reader. That woven heart is the most appealing to me even though your alien is sweet too. NIcely done, thanks for sharing. Jane

becky said...

The woven heart and the scrappy rug both are beautiful Thanks Becky

becky said...

I am a follower also Thanks again Becky

carla said...

Hi!! They are all very pretty and sweet!!! I love the alien heart quilt!!! Thank You

carla said...

I am a happy follower!!!

Marcy said...

Great coloring and wonderful quilting.

Marcy said...

Great coloring and wonderful quilting.

Mary Ann said...

I think I like the alien heart rug best! They are all beautiful.

Heide said...

I like all of them, but will pick the bathroom heart. I can feel the love in all of your quilts! I just signed up for your email list. Thanks for sharing.

Kaynik said...

I love the checker floor rug. I never thought to make a rug with my quilting. I have now added it to the list of to do's

ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com

Farm Quilter said...

I love your alien heart quilt! Just so cute!! Thank you for the opportunity to win your lovely fabric!

Farm Quilter said...

I'm an old follower of yours!

Quilt n Queen said...

All your projects are wonderful. It's hard to pick a favorite...luved your Valentine parade. Great job!! Happy stitching, Pauline

BizyStitches said...

I will pick the woven heart at the door, but honestly I like them all. Thanks for sharing.

BizyStitches said...

I am a new follower and looking forward to more blog post.

DeAnna said...

Great projects! Even the alien heart rug! I like the table runner the best, but all are great! I'm a follower also. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the giveaway.

Scrapatches said...

Very pretty projects, all. If I have to pick only one I think I will go with the two color woven rug. It really like the way the colors play in this one. Thanks for sharing and for the link to your inspiration for these projects ... :) Pat

Scrapatches said...

I am sew happy I found your blog. I am a new follower ... :) Pat

Teresa in Music City said...

Oh I love the Alien Heart most! It has such character :*) Thanks for the great giveaway!

java diva said...

I just wanted to say I love your rugs and am inspired to make some for my home.

Teri said...

Love the rug....what a great idea.....great giveaway......thanks

Michele T said...

I can't seem myself stepping on a quilted rug... I'd probably walk around it! hehehe
Love your projects! Thanks for sharing in the hop!

Linda C said...

You have done a great job on all your projects but I would probably lean to the alien heart rug. I am following in sage feeds which is my preferred methodology but that may not count in what you mean as following.

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Mary E. Stephens said...

I like the table runner the best I think. It looks to me like the front has roses on it and roses are my favorite flower - more or less. LOL I like lost of flowers, so sometimes it's hard to limit it to one. ;-)

Nita said...

Wow! You are a very productive person! While I love every project you posted, my favourite is the rug beside your bed.

Jenna Z said...

Love the foundation pieced heart, reminds me of the heartstrings quilts we make for Project Linus.

Amy said...

I love you alien heart rug!

Pat V. said...

I really like your table/bed runner. It's always nice when you can use a quilted piece multiple ways!

LindaHC said...

The rug is my favourite.

Anonymous said...

I like the woven heart the best. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win.

senstrings at yahoo dot com

Darlington Delights said...

What beautiful projects. Your home looks like it is ready for cupid to stop by with his bow and arrow at any time!

Mara said...

I thought I was a follower already, but i wasn't huh, so now I am! I like your alien/ oops I mean scrappy Foundation rug.

Scrapbook-ChickADoodle said...

I love the woven heart.
Congrats on being one of the chosen.
Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win.

Scrapbook-ChickADoodle said...

I am a follower.