Saturday, August 10, 2024

Fun Times

We've been having fun and staying quite busy here - some quilting, some not.  

After quite a few days of very hot weather, it was nice to enjoy a comfortable evening out back and use the fire ring. 

Honestly, Jack and I have not spent nearly as many evenings doing this as we used to, but we had visitors and it was a perfect way to relax and chat. The picture above is with the second addition of wood; which we did, even though we knew we would not be out long enough for it all to burn.  Since there are still some unburned pieces in the ring, I think I'm going to suggest we do it again tonight - just the two of us.  :-) 

Our visitors may be gone, but we still have a few reminders that they were here. Young ones often forget to close the back door tightly, so we get flying creatures in the house. This butterfly has been hanging out on the kitchen window and I can't seem to coax it outside. 

I have been at the sewing machine today, doing some final prep for upcoming classes; but I sure am looking forward to going outside later tonight. 

1 comment:

Carla said...

We love sitting outside to end the day too but it's been way too hot here. Last night the humidity dropped and it was tolerable outside so out we went. Might of had a glass of wine too.
Hope we can all go back to relaxing outside a little more