I'm ready to start adding borders to my coffee fabric Twisted 9 Patch. I'm auditioning border fabrics but think I know what I'm going to use. I'll post a picture when I'm done with the top.

Since the 9 patch blocks were my leader/ender blocks, I had to pick something else to use, and I decided to pull out the 5" squares from a guild exchange a couple of years ago. Here are the stacks of squares separated by value, etc.

When it was time to use them, I just started pulling fabric and sewing them together to be used in a totally scrappy quilt from the book Nickel Quilts by Pat Speth and Charlene Thode. I'm really excited about this because this will be my first TOTALLY scrappy quilt - no planning, no matching, etc.
Below is a picture of the first couple of rows (actually, only part of the rows). Since the piecing of the blocks will be mainly from leaders/enders, this will take a while to complete, but I can't wait.

Check out what others have on their design walls by going to Judy L.'s Patchwork Times blog. Who know, maybe you'll see something that will get your creative juices flowing.
I love the twisted nine patch. I hope to make one someday. I do have a question. What to you mean by leaders?
I like your layout. It certainly has a different twist! LOL!
I love the twisted 9 patch. As a devoted 9 patch addict, that quilt has been on my list for a while. It looks like the nickel charms are going to make a fun quilt. I'm a chicken when it comes to going completely scrappy. Maybe one of these days I'll be brave enough to try it. It looks like a great project for leaders and enders.
love the twisted 9-patch looks like it's dancing! I've got to make one of those
Melody, you'll love making the twisted 9 patch! Leaders/enders are the pieces of fabric that you use when you are chain piecing so that there is always something under the presser foot. This helps prevent long threads getting tangled as well as the corners of your blocks getting sucked into the needle hole. Check out Bonnie Hunter's website www.quiltville.com for more information on it and some great quilts she has made from these pieces.
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