Monday, April 27, 2020

Design Wall Monday

I have completed my Peaks and Valleys quilt and I love it!

At the beginning of this pandemic, I decided to take a couple of online classes. Not only did I want to learn new things, I also wanted to support teachers like me who have had their classes come to a screeching halt. 

Since I test patterns for Tammy Silvers of Tamarinis and she was offering a variety of online events/classes, etc., I decided to dive in and have fun. I watched a couple of her free Facebook Live and then signed up for her Scrap Bracelet class. I posted about that a couple of weeks ago

After that class, I signed up for the Peaks and Valleys class. I'd seen the pattern before and thought it looked fun. I pulled all of the fabric from my stash and was happy to be able to have enough that looked Halloween, but didn't "scream" it.  I decided that I wanted the quilt to be a little wider than called for, so I added an extra column to the left side.

For the quilting, I wanted it to be simple, so I quilted lines echoing the piecing. The lines are sewn at random intervals, which made it so easy for me. 

Here's a shot of the back. 

It was kind of windy, so getting some good pictures was kind of challenging. 

I love the orange binding on this quilt! I don't usually pull my binding until after the top is made and even quilted. But, this time I pulled it while picking my fabrics. I was hopeful that it would work, and I'm so glad that it did. It's a fun orange with small white dots on it; and it's VERY old fabric. 

While participating in these Facebook Live events and taking classes, I learned more than just quilting. I've paid close attention to the actual production of the classes and have ventured into the world of video tutorials. I've started small and I'm not very professional at all, but I'm having fun. I'm hosting a FREE Spring Table Runner Sew Along for Chestnut Ridge. Here's a sketch of the runner that we are making. This is the short version, but I'm offering it in a longer size too. HERE'S a couple pictures of the long runners.

If you want to join the fun, go to the Friends of Chestnut Ridge Sewing's Facebook page. We are in the second week of the three-week sew along, but you can still join any time. The files and videos will remain on the page, so you can even refer back to it when/if you decide to make a second runner. A quick note about the videos. I love quilting and am much better at that than making videos. I am learning as I go and having fun doing it. I hope you do too.   😊

What are you working on today?

Check out the Quilters' Eye Candy at


Beth's Monday Making

Monday, April 20, 2020

Design Wall Monday

It's been a busy time with lots of projects being worked on here. 

Saturday, I joined Tammy Silvers of Tamarinis for an online class Peaks and Valleys. I enjoyed the class, learned a lot, and got a lot accomplished. Here's the top, ready to sew into vertical rows. 

This is a small quilt, meant to be a baby quilt, but I decided that I wanted to make a Halloween-themed wall hanging. I am very happy with my choice of fabrics; and made mine a little wider than the pattern says because I know exactly where this will be hung. It needed the additional vertical row added to fit in the space perfectly. :-) 

I am sure that I will make another version of this, as I think it would be a great donation quilt. It doesn't take a lot of yardage, so I could easily use fabrics that I have on hand. (All of the fabrics for this quilt were from my stash. 😊)

I am hosting a three-week Free Spring Table Runner Sew Along for Chestnut Ridge Sewing on their Friends of Chestnut Ridge Sewing Facebook page. I've never done anything like this and I'm learning a lot. I'm even adding videos with a lot of helpful information to go along with the piecing instructions. (It's not Facebook Live, and I'm definitely not Jenny Doan, but I am having fun.) 

I'm making two version during the Sew Along (one short runner and one long); but I've already made two samples while writing the pattern. Those are on my design wall. One is partially quilted and the other is up there for me to look at and decide how I want to quilt it.  

We just started block 1 today, which is the alternate/chain block. Here are examples of the two on which I'm sewing now.

These are not great pictures. The bottom one looks like there is grey fabric next to the red, but it's actually a multi-colored dot on a light green background that I've had for a very long time. I'm happy to be using it. 

There's still time to join the fun. Just go to the Friends of Chestnut Ridge Sewing Facebook page and ask to join. The files and videos are ready and waiting for you.  :-) 

What's on your design wall today?

Check out the quilters' eye candy at


Monday, April 6, 2020

Design Wall Monday

I decided to toss some of the leader/ender blocks that I've been making onto the design wall this morning. I just wanted to play a little, rather than sew. 

I joined the Border Creek Station 2020 Stash Buster Challenge at the beginning of the year and I've been enjoying the process. I'm using my scraps/smallish pieces of red, white, and cream fabrics to make 8" blocks (there are instructions to make three sizes). My hope is to make enough blocks to create three Quilts of Valor. I typically don't use the same pattern to make the QOVs that I award in any given year, but since the layout options are very plentiful for this block, I decided to go ahead and do it.

This is not necessarily the layout that I will use. I am just playing today. I'll update with pictures when I'm putting tops together.

Yesterday, I share a picture of my version of the Christmas Cactus Table Topper.  

I also mentioned that I made four additional blocks and was finishing up with my borders to create an 86" square quilt. I did finish that and attempted to get some pictures. Of course the wind did not want to cooperate...
I'm choosing to believe that the wind wanted me to visualize what the quilt will look like on our bed.  :-) 

I'm very pleased with the quilt. Now to get it quilted and bound before next Christmas.

I am continuing to make masks, work on some UFOs, sketch some new designs, and quilt the many tops that I have in my "tub of shame."

What is on your design wall today?

To help inspire you or just check out some 
Quilter's Eye Candy, go to 


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Playing with Fabric - Lots of Pictures

I've been a little lax in my blogging lately, and I hope that one thing that comes out of this stay at home order is that I get back on track with regular postings.
Like many of you, I've been sewing masks, working on UFOs, and basically just playing with my fabric and creating new quilts and other projects. What I have not done, and should do, is clean up my sewing area. I'll do that eventually, but not quite yet. 

For a little while at the beginning of this whole virus mess, I found myself spending a lot of time on the internet. I have made the conscious decision to step back, plan regular computer times for news updates, and use the other time to do things that are productive. 

So, to that end I decided to join a few classes and quilt alongs, learn some new techniques, and really learn to use the new ruler I bought.  

The first thing I did was take Tammy Silvers' Scrap Bracelet class. I pattern test for Tammy and will have the opportunity to meet her face to face in September when she teaches at the Ohio's Amish Country Quilt Festival. I'm really looking forward to that!

I was starting to clean up my sewing area when I happened upon 12 -  2 1/2" strips that were left over from a project I made a while back. I didn't put these away because I just knew that I would make something to coordinate with the original project. (As we can see, that did not happen!) The bracelet pattern calls for 12 strips of fabric, and they can be of varying widths and lengths. I took the fact that 12 strips are called for in the pattern and that is exactly what I have, as a sign that I needed to learn to make these bracelets. (12 strips makes many more than one bracelet, and that's what I wanted to do.)  

The class was fun and productive. I learned a lot and completely finished two bracelets. I have completed six others since the class ended, but I didn't take pictures of those. FYI - my fabrics are all from a specific collection. That is not a requirement. These were leftovers and therefore, scraps to me. I have true scraps ready to use to make more of these. As you can see, I have some fun buttons to use too.  :-) 

Tammy has hosted a couple of free Facebook Live classes that have been very informative and fun - learning how to create fabric gradations from your stash and auditioning fabrics. (You can see those videos by clicking the link above, or by going to Tammy's Facebook page and clicking on her videos.) This coming Saturday (4/11), Tammy is offering an online class for her Peaks and Valley quilt, which is a wonderful way to put into practice what I learned about gradations and auditioning fabrics. The quilt is an awesome baby quilt, but I'm making mine larger, of course.  :-) 

I joined Gudrun Erla's Elvira Quarantine Quilt Along and had a fun time with that too. There were so many people joining along that day, it was crazy! The pattern has multiple size options and is fat quarter friendly. While Gudrun uses the Stripology ruler, she also provided information on how to make this quilt with a variety of other rulers. I can't believe that there was anyone who didn't have their questions answered, and didn't learn how to make this project using the tools they had on hand. (The pattern includes all the same information.) Like Tammy, Gudrun has all of the videos available on her GE Designs Facebook page

While many people finished their quilts in one day, I had to take a break and do some other things. Instead, my quilt top was done the next day. I made the lap size, which measures 63" x 84". I have not quilted this yet, but hope to soon. I used a set of Fusion Illusion fat quarters that I won a few years back from Blank Quilting. I am very happy with this quilt! 

Gudrun just posted another QAL Friday - her Strip to Shore quilt. It is nice and I have fabric and the pattern to make this. But, I have a few other things to work on first. :-)  

I bought a new ruler recently (Creative Grids 2 Peaks in 1), and decided that I wanted to learn how to use it. To that end, I have completed a table runner and wall hanging using patterns from Sassafras Lane Designs. 

Fleet Street - 16" x 64" - This is bright, colorful, and fun. I think it's perfect for Easter/Spring and I love it!

I quilted this with very basic straight lines and like the results.

Tall Tree Lane - 20" x 54" - I used a gradation fabric for the tree and really love how it looks. I like that I have one Christmas project done so early. :-) 

For the quilting, I sewed some straight lines in the tree, using the ruler as a guide. I then dropped my feed dogs and quilted swirls in the background. That was fun! 

And finally, to use the ruler one more time, I made Wing and a Prayer's Christmas Cactus Table Topper. 

I liked the block (24" x 24") and decided that since I have the fabric, I might as well make more blocks and make a quilt. You know, get another Christmas project complete. I sewed four additional blocks, played around with sashing and border ideas and will have an 86" x 86" quilt top sewn by the end of today. (I just have to add the final border.) I'll post pictures of that tomorrow. I decided to make four blocks for the quilt and keep one block for the table topper. I can put that on the dresser or night stand. 

I think I have mastered the ruler!  lol

I've been playing around with some other designing too. I worked out these two versions of a table runner. I've sewn the tops, but have not quilted them yet.

I'll get to quilting those soon, but for now I have a few other secret sewing projects on which I'm working. I'll share those as soon as I am allowed.

Enough computer time - I'm heading to the sewing machine. 

Be safe!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Color Challenge

This month's color is purple and the bird is the HoneyCreeper.

For the pattern and block instructions, head on over to 

This is a beautiful bird, but unfortunately it does not live near me. It's home is in the lowlands and foothills of northern South America. Maybe I should plan a trip so I can see this for myself. I speak enough Spanish that I could get around ok. :-) 

This is a very small bird that has a quite long curved bill and beautiful yellow legs. The male is predominately blue-indigo with a black mask over its eyes, a black throat, and black wings. 

The female is beautiful in her own right. She is mostly green with pale streakings on the underside, has a buffy-brown face, and a blue mustache stripe. Just like her male counterpart, she has a curved bill.

You can hear their beautiful sound HERE


I've used purple in a few of my projects. Sometimes it's a main fabric, but mostly it's an accent or binding. 

Straight and Easy Table Runner

Hearts Abound

Going Up

Hoop Quilt

Hoop Quilt



Back to the Color Challenge - Here are my fabrics!

I bought the purple at Once Upon a Quilt in Ft. Lauderdale when I was there in December. Oh, how I wish I was there now. I'm a little tired of the rain here in Ohio. 

All of my pieces are cut...

and the units are sewn.

These blocks are easy to sew and so much fun when they are complete. 

I have been taking pictures of the two blocks offset a little, which I like, but check out what they look like right next to each other.

I like that look too.  :-) 

Remember to go to Jen's blog to pick up this month's block instructions. Be sure to check out our sponsors and all the awesome prizes available. 

Also, be sure to check out the bloggers for this month. I think you'll enjoy seeing all the different fabrics people are using. :-)